Challenges in measuring indicators of progress for the Atlantic Action Plan
Norton, Daniel
Kalaydjian, Régis
Hynes, Stephen
Murillas Maza, Arantza
Flannery, Wesley
Marhadour, Agnès
Kyriazi, Zacharoula
Kelly, Christina
Prellezo Iguarán, Raúl
Quimbert, Erwann
Ballantyne, Noel
Corless, Rebecca
Pafi, Maria
Yaqi, Yang
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Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics 8(2) : (2021) // Article ID 7
The EU Atlantic Action Plan (AAP) has recently been updated and revised to support ‘blue growth’ along Europe’s western coastal regions. The revisions reflect recent challenges facing the Atlantic Arc maritime economies including the Covid-19 crisis, Brexit and the new requirements of the European Green Deal. This new revision, termed AAP 2.0, also addresses some of the weaknesses highlighted in the original Atlantic Action Plan particularly regarding identifying indicators that may be used to measure progress in the achievement of the Plan’s objectives. Using a database with comparable marine socio-economic data across the Atlantic regions, a number of indicators are identified that may be used to monitor progress of the AAP 2.0. Recent trends and spatial distributions across the Atlantic Arc region are shown for these indicators. The challenges in measuring progress are also highlighted, including where some AAP objectives and associated indicators may conflict with other EU policy aims and where the current monitoring framework can be bolstered with the inclusion of new indicators.