Are we top or not? Understanding the social capital paradox in the Basque Country
Etxabe Iruretagoiena, Igor
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Irish Journal of Sociology 30(1) : 25-47 (2022)
Most studies on social capital integrate proxy variables such as cooperation, participation or trust, but very few examine in depth underlying patterns of behaviour and resulting social phenomena. Filling a gap in earlier studies, this paper conducts a long-range study of the stock of social capital in the Basque Country in Spain, with the aim of analysing the values that are at the core of civic engagement in the territory. Secondary data collected from official statistics websites and relevant studies in the field are used to examine the structural and cognitive dimensions. This information confirms the paradox: at the national scale, the Basque Country is a leading community, but region-specific research unveils a less favourable scenario of endogamic relations, institutional distrust, and low participation. Therefore, although numerous public organisations play a remarkable guiding role, further steps are needed to improve the connectivity of the different actors within the Regional Innovation System.