Actual Legal Background Concerning Curricular Sea Services in Spain
Ikusi/ Ireki
Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol
Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu
López García, Eloy
Alcedo Momoitio, Iñaki
9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2015) : 5265-5269 (2015)
More than thirty years ago Shipowners of Spanish flagged vessels were forced to sign on cadets
coming from High Technical Schools of Nautical Sciences and Marine Engineering always provided
that there was not another cadet on board. It appears that, in those days, the Spanish Government
believed this was necessary to protect national merchant fleet. Nowadays, unfortunately, the Spanish
fleet has been reduced considerably and, in addition to this, actual internal legal regulations are more
restrictive than before with regard to the possibility for the students to carry out sea services. Because
of that, Schools are currently finding a lot of problems to get a ship where the student may practice the
knowledge that has been acquired at University. The aim of this paper is to study the legal background
regarding the curricular sea services based on three stages: an historical review, current situation and
the future. Moreover, some possible solutions to this problem are discussed at the end of the