How to be authentic on Instagram: Self-presentation and language choice of Basque university students in a multi-scalar context
Ikusi/ Ireki
Elordui Urkiza, Agurtzane
Aiestaran Etxabe, Jokin
Pragmatics 33(2) : 184-208 (2023)
This paper analyses the way young people negotiate their ‘real’ identity on
Instagram, and how self-presentation can be developed by means of language choice. We draw our data from the corpus of the Gaztesare project. It
contains the Instagram production of Basque university students who draw
on an inventory of multilingual resources in their interactions. We consider
Instagram to be a multi-scalar context in which different orders of indexicality converge (Blommaert 2010). The study analyses, from this multi-scalar
perspective, the place of Basque in the language choices the students make
in order to belong, to be authentic as someone or something (Varis and
Wang 2011). It concludes that local Basque dialects are tools for selfpositioning as an ‘authentic’ voice in Instagram chat, but standard Batua, is
empowering at a higher scale on Timelines, in which the same speakers use
it for a more credible translocal voice.