A section identification tool: Towards HL7 CDA/CCR standardization in Spanish discharge summaries
Goenaga Azcarate, Iakes
Lahuerta, Xabier
Atutxa Salazar, Aitziber
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Journal of Biomedical Informatics 121 : (2021) // Article ID 103875
Background. Nowadays, with the digitalization of healthcare systems, huge amounts of clinical narratives are
available. However, despite the wealth of information contained in them, interoperability and extraction of
relevant information from documents remains a challenge.
Objective. This work presents an approach towards automatically standardizing Spanish Electronic Discharge
Summaries (EDS) following the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture. We address the task of section annotation
in EDSs written in Spanish, experimenting with three different approaches, with the aim of boosting
interoperability across healthcare systems and hospitals.
Methods. The paper presents three different methods, ranging from a knowledge-based solution by means of
manually constructed rules to supervised Machine Learning approaches, using state of the art algorithms like
the Perceptron and transfer learning-based Neural Networks.
Results. The paper presents a detailed evaluation of the three approaches on two different hospitals. Overall,
the best system obtains a 93.03% F-score for section identification. It is worth mentioning that this result is
not completely homogeneous over all section types and hospitals, showing that cross-hospital variability in
certain sections is bigger than in others.
Conclusions. As a main result, this work proves the feasibility of accurate automatic detection and standardization of section blocks in clinical narratives, opening the way to interoperability and secondary use of clinical