Lapurdiko mintzoen aurkezpen dialektologikoa
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 57(1/2) : 183-207 (2023)
There are several constellations of innovations surrounding the province of Lapurdi in the geography of the Basque language. Anyhow, not all Lapurdians speak the same, there is a difference from one region to another; furthermore, there are some areas of innovation even within the province. In this session, I would like to present an outline of them. I would like to expose a detailed view of Lapurdi’s innovations and I will show which areas of innovation be-long to the various new language variants of the province: some are widespread, but others, on the contrary, are used in a smaller region. I will also briefly talk about the chronology of the characteristics of the dialect that is often called Navarrese-Lapurdian.; Lapurdi inguratzen duten berrikuntzen konstelazio franko dago euskararen geogra-fian, baina lapurtar guztiak ez dira berdin mintzatzen, eskualde batetik bestera aldea dago, badira berrikuntza-eremuak Lapurdi barrenean ere, eta horien eskema aurkezten dut saio honetan. Ikuspegi xehea dakart Lapurdiko berrikuntzez eta erakusten dut zein berrikuntza-eremutakoak diren Lapur-diko hainbat eta hainbat hizkuntza-aldaera berri: batzuk hedadura handikoak dira, baina beste ba-tzuk eskualde ttipiagoan baliatzen dira. Nafar-lapurtarra deitu ohi den euskalkiaren ezaugarrien kronologiaz ere mintzo naiz llabur.