Euskarazko terminologiaren hasiera fonetika-fonologien arloan
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 57(1/2) : 357-393 (2023)
Ekarpen honen helburua fonetika eta fonologiarekin lotutako euskarazko terminolo-giaren lehen urratsak aztertzea da. Horretarako 1936 arte euskaraz idatzitako gramatika-lanak, eus-karaz irakurtzen irakasteko kartillak eta hotsen arazoei buruz euskaraz jardun zuten artikuluak ara-katu ditut, lan horietan agertzen diren terminoak bildu ditut eta haietako batzuk iruzkindu ditut. Azterketak erakutsi du lan zaharrenetan agertzen diren termino gehienak mailegatuak direla. Halaber, hitzberrigintzari dagokionez, Larramendiren hitz berriak x i x. mende hasieran agertzen hasi zi-ren eta x x. mende hasiera arteko adibideak ditugu; bestalde, x i x. mende amaieratik aurrera Azkuek eta batik bat Arana Goirik sortutako hitz berriak dira nagusi; The aim of this contribution is to examine the initial steps taken in the field of Basque-language terminology related to phonetics and phonology. In order to do so, I look at grammatical works written in Basque, textbooks aimed at teaching reading in Basque and arti-cles which dealt with the topic of sounds in Basque, all published up to 1936, collect the terms that appeared in these works and analyse some of them. The study demonstrates that most of the terms which appear in the oldest works are loanwords. Moreover, in regard to the construc-tion of neologisms, there are examples of such words created by Larramendi from the early 19th century on which continue to appear until the early 20th century; additionally, most of the neologisms that appear from the late 19th century onwards were created by Azkue and, mainly, Arana Goiri.