Hezkuntza, Filosofia eta Antropologia Fakultatea;;Facultad de Educación, Filosofía y Antropología: Recent submissions
Now showing items 5-8 of 41
Instruction and integration of new and low-achieving students in foreign language teaching
(2024-07)[EN] This paper focuses on the instruction and integration of new and low-achieving students in the English class. For that, four schools in the Basque Autonomous Community were observed, five teachers were interviewed and ... -
Podcast creation for foreign language acquisition and digital competence development in primary education
(2024-07)[EN] This paper explores the potential outcomes of using ICTs for Foreign Language Learning in a primary school, along with fostering the development of the digital competence as regulated in the European Framework. A ... -
Autismoaren Espektroko Nahasmendua duen gazte bati egokitutako komunikatzaile digitala
(2024-07)[EU] Lan honen helburu nagusiak, Autismoaren Espektroko Nahasmendua (AEN) duen 10 urteko ikasle batentzat komunikatzaile digital bat diseinatzea eta ikaslea hori erabiltzen hastea izan dira. Ikaslea Lehen Hezkuntzako ... -
Hezkuntza berrikuntza ospitaleetan: ikasleen ongizate emozionalerako estrategiak eta tresnak Donostia Ospitalean
(2024-07)[EU] Gradu Amaierako Lan hau Donostiako Ospitaleko pedagogian zentratzen da, ospitaleetako gelak aztertuz eta ospitaleratutako ikasleen hezkuntza hobetzeko tresnak diseinatuz. Azterketa hori irakasleentzako bisitetan eta ...