Now showing items 9-12 of 216

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      The criminalization of hate crimes against the LGBT community in Spain 

      Ozalla Ciruelos, Janire (2023-06-07)
      [EN] Hate crimes are a growing issue in our society that, each day, affect different minorities, and legal systems around the world have looked for different ways to punish them. This paper examines the effectiveness of ...
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      Comparative law: euthanasia 

      Huerga Menéndez, Arlene (2023-06-09)
      [ES] La eutanasia es una práctica médica que tiene como objetivo poner fin a la vida de una persona de manera que se evite su sufrimiento. Es un método que suscita muchas opiniones y emociones encontradas, tanto a ...
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      LGTB legal protections: a comparative study of Spain and Scotland 

      Calviño Ruiz, Jesús (2023-06-09)
      [ES] La evolución legislativa de los derechos LGTB y especialmente de los derechos trans ha sido notable tanto en España como en Escocia. Ambos lugares han introducido cambios legislativos que eliminan las barreras para ...
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      A victim-centered approach to human trafficking 

      Berinde Kozma, Paula Andreea (2023-06-07)
      [EN] This paper explores the issue of human trafficking as one of the most severe violations of human rights nowadays, which continues to be a complex and pervasive issue despite the existence of several instruments that ...