Now showing items 132-151 of 452

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      Efficiency vs. Stability in a Mixed Network Formation Model 

      Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID; Valenciano Llovera, Federico ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, 2015-03-26)
      The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, the incomplete results relative to effciency in a transitional model introduced in a previous paper, distinguishing two types of links, strong or doubly-supported and weak or ...
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      Efficient learning of decomposable models with a bounded clique size 

      Pérez Martínez, Aritz; Inza Cano, Iñaki ORCID; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio (2014-05-08)
      The learning of probability distributions from data is a ubiquitous problem in the fields of Statistics and Artificial Intelligence. During the last decades several learning algorithms have been proposed to learn probability ...
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      Egalitarian distributions in coalitional models: The Lorenz criterion 

      Arin Aguirre, Francisco Javier (2003-01)
      The paper presents a framework where the most important single-valued solutions in the literature of TU games are jointly analyzed. The paper also suggests that similar frameworks may be useful for other coalitional models.
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      EHUkultura: Generación de contenidos culturales en la Dirección de Proyección Universitaria del Campus de Bizkaia de UPV/EHU (2013/ 2016) 

      Gabantxo Uriagereka, Miren ORCID (2016-12-31)
      2013. urtetik 2016. urtera Miren Gabantxo Uriagereka Komunikazio Doktoreak, konpromiso publikoa hartu eta UPV/EHUn Bizkaiko Campuseko Zabalkuntza Zuzendaria izateari eutsi zion. Bere ardurapean garaturiko kultura edukinen ...
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      Electoral Systems and Income Inequality: A Tale of Political Equality 

      Zuazu Bermejo, Izaskun (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2018-10-23)
      Political economy literature has so far failed to offer a consensus on the effect of political institutions such as regime type (democracy vs. autocracy) and electoral systems (majori- tarian vs. proportional representation) ...
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      Electricity consumption and economic growth: evidence from Spain 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; Zárraga Alonso, Ainhoa ORCID (2007-01)
      The paper investigates both linear and nonlinear causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in Spain for the period 1971-2005. We use the methodology of Toda and Yamamoto (1995) and Dolado and Lütkepohl ...
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      Elikagaien Erosketa Jasangarrirako Estrategia Osakidetzako Ospitaleetan: Euskal Osasun Sisteman elikadura sistema jasangarria sustatzeko hazi bat 

      Alberdi Aresti, Goiuri; Begiristain Zubillaga, Mirene; Magro Montero, Edurne; Aranguren Querejeta, Mari José (2023-10)
      UPV/EHU buru duen RENASCENCE proiektuak euskal osasun-sisteman elikadura-sistema iraunkorrak garatzeko beharrezkoak diren erronkei buruzko gogoeta egiten du. Elikagaien erosketa publikoa funtsezko tresnatzat jotzen da ...
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      Emergence of Cooperation in Heterogeneous Population: A Discrete-Time Replicator Dynamics Analysis 

      Escobedo Martínez, Ramón; Laruelle, Annick ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, 2013-12)
      The emergence of cooperation is analyzed in heterogeneous populations where individuals can be classified in two groups according to their phenotypic appearance. Phenotype recognition is assumed for all individuals: ...
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      Employment comovements at the sectoral level over the business cycle 

      Cassou, Steven P.; Vázquez Pérez, Jesús ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2009-12)
      This paper extends the technique suggested by den Haan (2000) to investigate contemporaneous as well as lead and lag correlations among economic data for a range of forecast horizons. The technique provides a richer picture ...
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      Endogenous fisheries management in a stochastic model: Why do fishery agencies use TAC 

      Da Rocha, José María; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2010-12)
      The aim of this paper is to explain under which circumstances using TACs as instrument to manage a fishery along with fishing periods may be interesting from a regulatory point of view. In order to do this, the deterministic ...
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      Endogenous Formation of Competing Partnership with Moral Hazard 

      Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID; Macho Stadler, Inés (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002-09)
      We analyze the formation of partnerships as a sequential choice-of-sizes game with moral hazard within coalitions; once formed, partnerships compete a la Cournot in the marketplace. We show that when moral hazard within ...
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      Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Duopoly: Wighted Welfare and Price Competition 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Sedano Hoyuelos, Máximo (2011)
      In this paper we analyse the endogenous order of moves in a mixed duopoly for differentiated goods. Firms choose whether to set prices sequentially or simultaneously. The private firm maximises profits while the public ...
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      Endogenous Unions Formation 

      Chica Páez, Yolanda; Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2009-12)
      This paper analyzes the process of endogenous union formation in the context of a sequential bargaining model between a firm and several unions and tries to explain why workers may be represented by several unions of ...
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      Entrada endógena ineficiente 

      Rubio Peña, Jesús Ángel ORCID (2002-07)
      [EN] Stewart (1994) presents a model of endogenous entry. In his article Stewart proposes the following topic for future research: "An important feature of the model is that entry would be inefficient from the producers' ...
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      Entry into motherhood: The effect of wages 

      Ariza, Alfredo; Ugidos Olazabal, Arantza ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2007-04)
      Using the ECHP, we explored the determinants of having the first child in Spain. Our main goal was to study the relation between female wages and the decision to enter motherhood. Since the offered wage of non-working women ...
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      Environmental Policy in Unionized Industries 

      Campo Corredera, María Luz ORCID (2001-10)
      [EN] This paper focuses on the effects of environmental policy over the perfomance of firms and workers, when there is local pollution. We assume that the government chooses the environmental policy announcing an upper ...
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      Environmental Standards, Wage Incomes and the Location of Polluting Firms 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Garzón San Felipe, María Begoña ORCID (2000-03)
      The purpose of this paper is to study how the choice of environmental standards by governments is affected by the existence of wage incomes when firms' location is endogenous. In developed countries labor is unionized, ...
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      ¿Es necesaria una política redistributiva del ingreso en Chile? Evidencia Empírica desde el principio de igualdad de oportunidades 

      Cabrales Gómez, Fernando; Fernández Sainz, Ana Isabel ORCID; Grafe Arias, Federico Hans (2004)
      [ES] Este trabajo evalúa la política tributaria vigente en Chile desde la perspectiva del criterio de Igualdad de Oportunidades. Bajo este criterio es deseable actuar para compensar a las personas por las circunstancias ...
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      El espacio cuerpo en la educación transformadora 

      Oion Encina, Rakel ORCID (2014)
      [ES] La integralidad de los seres humanos conlleva la comprensión del cuerpo como parte inseparable del ser que somos. Somos consciencia corpórea. Psicología, fisiología, emocionalidad e inclusive vivencia espiritual y ...
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      Estacionalidad determinista y estocástica en series temporales macroeconómicas 

      Díaz-Emparanza Herrero, Ignacio ORCID; López de Lacalle Beltrán de Heredia, Javier (2004-12)
      Basándose en la literatura existente, en este trabajo se propone una metodología para el estudio gráfico y analítico del componente estacional en una serie temporal. El objetivo del análisis es determinar si el componente ...