Now showing items 172-191 of 452

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      Fractional Integration Analysis and its Implications on Profitability: the Case of the Mackerel Market in the Basque Country 

      García Enríquez, Javier ORCID; Arteche González, Jesús María ORCID; Murillas Maza, Arantza (2010)
      This paper analyses weekly prices for mackerel landed by the inshore fleet at the ports of the Basque Country in 1995-2008, using new econometric techniques never before applied to the fishing market. The idea is to learn ...
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      Frequency Domain Local Bootstrap in long memory time series 

      Arteche González, Jesús María ORCID (2020-10)
      Bootstrap techniques in the frequency domain have been proved to be effective instruments to approximate the distribution of many statistics of weakly dependent (short memory) series. However their validity with long ...
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      From bilateral two-way to unilateral one-way flow link-formation 

      Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID; Valenciano Llovera, Federico ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, 2014-11-26)
      We provide a model that bridges de gap between the simplest variation of two benchmark models of strategic network formation: Bala and Goyal s one-way ow model without decay, where links can be unilaterally formed, and a ...
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      Full Implementation of Rank Dependent Prizes 

      Midjord, Rune (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)
      A manager/mechanism designer must allocate a set of money prizes ($1, $2, .., $n) between n agents working in a team. The agents know the state i.e. who contributed most, second most, etc. The agents' prefer- ences over ...
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      Funtzio sintaktikoen gold estandarra eskuz etiketatzeko gidalerroak 

      Aduriz, Itziar; Arriola Egurrola, José María ORCID; González Dios, Itziar ORCID; Urízar Enbeitia, Rubén ORCID (2015-02-26)
      [EN]In this report we present the tags we use when annotating the gold standard of syntactic functions and the decisions taken during its annotation. The gold standard is a necessary resource to evaluate the rulebased ...
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      Games with perceptions 

      Iñarra García, María Elena ORCID; Laruelle, Annick ORCID; Zuazo Garín, Peio (Deparamento de fundamentos del análisis económico I, 2012-10-23)
      We assume that 2 x 2 matrix games are publicly known and that players perceive a dichotomous characteristic on their opponents which defines two types for each player. In turn, each type has beliefs concerning her opponent's ...
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      Gaussian Semiparametric Estimation in Long Memory in Stochastic Volatility and Signal Plus Noise Models 

      Arteche González, Jesús María ORCID (2002-04)
      This paper considers the persistence found in the volatility of many financial time series by means of a local Long Memory in Stochastic Volatility model and analyzes the performance of the Gaussian semiparametric or local ...
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      Generating cluster submodels from a multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage 

      Aldasoro Marcellan, Unai; Garín Martín, María Araceli ORCID; Merino Maestre, María ORCID; Pérez Sainz de Rozas, Gloria ORCID (2013-07)
      We present a scheme to generate clusters submodels with stage ordering from a (symmetric or a nonsymmetric one) multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage. We consider a stochastic model ...
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      Generating cluster submodels from two-stage stochastic mixed integer optimization models 

      Eguía Ribero, María Isabel; Garín Martín, María Araceli ORCID; Unzueta Inchaurbe, Aitziber ORCID (2018-10-22)
      Stochastic optimization problems of practical applications lead, in general, to some large models. The size of those models is linked to the number of scenarios that defines the scenario tree. This number of scenarios can ...
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      Generation of the database gurekddcup 

      Perona Balda, Iñigo ORCID; Arbelaiz Gallego, Olatz ORCID; Gurrutxaga Goikoetxea, Ibai ORCID; Martín, José Ignacio; Muguerza Rivero, Javier Francisco; Pérez de la Fuente, Jesús María ORCID (2017-02-10)
      The database gureKDDCup has been generated within the UADI project (Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Intrusion detection system) in which a classifier that detects intrusions or attacks in network based systems was ...
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      Geographical mobility and the labour market 

      Vives Coscojuela, Cecilia (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I. UPV-EHU, 2015-05)
      This paper studies the e ect of home-owners' migration costs on migration and unemployment in an economy where workers move both for work- and nonwork- related reasons. To this end, a search model with heterogeneous locations ...
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      Ghost seats in the Basque Parliament 

      Ibarzabal Laka, Nora; Laruelle, Annick ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2015-04-24)
      In elections voters have generally four options: to abstain, to cast a blank vote, to cast a null vote, or to vote for a candidate or party. This last option is a positive expression of support, while the other three options ...
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      Gipuzkoa Irudikatuz. Ikuspegi partekatu baterako laborategiaren lehenengo emaitzak 

      Casado da Rocha, Antonio Luis ORCID; Txapartegi Zumeta, Ekai; Arrieta Valero, Ion; Pérez Prat, Lucía; Goñi Martínez, Luke; Zilbeti Pérez, Maider; Zugaza Goyenechea, Uxue (Booktegi, 2023)
      Gipuzkoako lurraldea euskal kulturaren sakonean ainguratua dago, eta tradizio, identitate eta aurrerapenaren arragoa izan da luzaroan. Bere mendi handientsuak, kostalde malkartsuak eta 88 udalerriak lurralde honen etengabeko ...
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      Gipuzkoa Irudikatuz. Primeros resultados del laboratorio para una visión compartida 

      Casado da Rocha, Antonio Luis ORCID; Txapartegi Zumeta, Ekai; Arrieta Valero, Ion; Pérez Prat, Lucía; Goñi Martínez, Luke; Zilbeti Pérez, Maider; Zugaza Goyenechea, Uxue (Booktegi, 2023)
      El territorio de Gipuzkoa, anclado en las profundidades de la cultura vasca, ha sido durante mucho tiempo un crisol de tradición, identidad y progreso. Sus montañas majestuosas, sus costas escarpadas y sus 88 municipios ...
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      Going Multinational under Exchange Rate Uncertainty 

      Aray, Henry; Gardeazabal, Javier ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-02)
      A domestic exporting firm faces exchange rate uncertainty and has the option to install capacity abroad, thus becoming multinational. We analyze when the firm should exercise such an option optimally in the context of a ...
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      Group size and decision rules in legislative bargaining 

      Miller Moya, Luis Miguel ORCID; Vanberg, Christoph (2014-03-17)
      We conduct experiments to investigate the effects of different majority requirements on bargaining outcomes in small and large groups. In particular, we use a Baron-Ferejohn protocol and investigate the effects of decision ...
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      Growth in an oil abundant economy: The case of Venezuela 

      Agnani, Betty; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-09)
      Venezuela's growth experience over the past fifty years is characterized by a high economic growth rate from 1950 to 1970 and a low economic growth rate in the last thirty years. Although Venezuela is an oil abundant ...
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      Growth in Overlapping Generation Economies with Non-Renewable Resources 

      Agnani, Betty; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)
      Feasibility of positive steady-state growth in overlapping generation (OLG) economies that use non-renewable resources as essential inputs in the production process is analyzed. The model we use is, in essence, that of ...
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      Hacia la adaptación al crédito europeo en autómatas y lenguajes formales 

      Sánchez Ortega, Ana ORCID (2007)
      Durante el curso 2006-2007 la asignatura Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales se ha incorporado al proyecto SICRE (Seguimiento para la Introducción de los CRéditos Europeos). El presente documento recoge cuál ha sido la orientación ...
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      Housing Tenure, Geographical Mobility and the Labour Market: the Role of the Employment Exit Rate 

      Vives Coscojuela, Cecilia (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2018-11)
      This paper studies the effect of home-owners' migration costs on unemployment in an economy where workers move both for work- and non-work-related reasons. To this end, a search model with heterogeneous locations is developed ...