Now showing items 448-453 of 453

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      Wage differentials between permanent and temporary workers: Firm and occupational segregation 

      De la Rica Goiricelaya, Sara ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2003)
      The main issue of this paper is to measure the impact of segregation of workers with fixed-term contracts into low-paying firms and low-paying occupations within the same firm to explain wage gaps between these workers and ...
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      Wavelet multiple correlation and cross-correlation: A multiscale analysis of euro zone stock markets 

      Fernández Macho, Francisco Javier ORCID (2011-06)
      Statistical studies that consider multiscale relationships among several variables use wavelet correlations and cross-correlations between pairs of variables. This procedure needs to calculate and compare a large number ...
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      Welfare Effects of Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Ippolito Meets Schmalensee and Varian 

      Aguirre Pérez, Iñaki ORCID (2011-10)
      Based on a pioneering work by Ippolito (1980) we construct a simple model wich allows the welfare effects of third-degree price discrimination to be well understood and explained. The decomposition of the change in welfare ...
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      While programak: konputagarritasun teoria oinarritzeko tresna 

      Ibáñez Martínez-Conde, Jesús ORCID; Irastorza Goñi, María Aránzazu ORCID; Sánchez Ortega, Ana ORCID (1998)
      Konputagarritasun Teoriaren asmoa sistema konputazionalen muga teorikoak aztertzea da. Bere helburu nagusia problemak konputagarri eta konputaezinen artean bereiztea da, problema konputagarria ebazpide informatikoa onartzen ...
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      Why Economists Reject Long-Term Fisheries Management Plans? 

      Da Rocha, José María; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2009-08)
      Most fisheries agencies conduct biological and economic assessments independently. This independent conduct may lead to situations in which economists reject management plans proposed by biologists. The objective of this ...
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      Zoning a cross-border city 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Casado Izaga, Francisco Javier ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV-EHU, 2015)
      This paper investigates zoning in a cross-border linear city that consists of two bordering towns. In each town a local regulator has a say in the location of the local firm. The incentive to gain consumers from the other ...