Now showing items 449-452 of 452

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      Welfare Effects of Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Ippolito Meets Schmalensee and Varian 

      Aguirre Pérez, Iñaki ORCID (2011-10)
      Based on a pioneering work by Ippolito (1980) we construct a simple model wich allows the welfare effects of third-degree price discrimination to be well understood and explained. The decomposition of the change in welfare ...
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      While programak: konputagarritasun teoria oinarritzeko tresna 

      Ibáñez Martínez-Conde, Jesús ORCID; Irastorza Goñi, María Aránzazu ORCID; Sánchez Ortega, Ana ORCID (1998)
      Konputagarritasun Teoriaren asmoa sistema konputazionalen muga teorikoak aztertzea da. Bere helburu nagusia problemak konputagarri eta konputaezinen artean bereiztea da, problema konputagarria ebazpide informatikoa onartzen ...
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      Why Economists Reject Long-Term Fisheries Management Plans? 

      Da Rocha, José María; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2009-08)
      Most fisheries agencies conduct biological and economic assessments independently. This independent conduct may lead to situations in which economists reject management plans proposed by biologists. The objective of this ...
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      Zoning a cross-border city 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Casado Izaga, Francisco Javier ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV-EHU, 2015)
      This paper investigates zoning in a cross-border linear city that consists of two bordering towns. In each town a local regulator has a say in the location of the local firm. The incentive to gain consumers from the other ...