Now showing items 163-182 of 452

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      factor analysis of a set of contingency tables 

      Zárraga Castro, María Amaya ORCID; Goitisolo Lezama, Beatriz (2000-09)
      [EN] The aim of this paper is to develope a factor method for the simultaneous analysis of several contingency tables. As in multiple correspondence analysis, the method studies similarity among rows, among columns and ...
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      Factores de riesgo y supervivencia libre de tumor en pacientes con trasplante renal de cadáver 

      Lampreabe Gaztelu, Ildefonso; Virto Moreno, Jorge ORCID; Orbe Lizundia, Jesús María ORCID; Zárraga, S.; Urbizu, J. M.; Gainza Ríos, Francisco Javier ORCID; García, G.; Amenábar, J. J. (2003)
      [Background] There is an agreement in the fact that cancer incidence in transplant recipients increases at a rate disproportionately greater than in the general population. Several clinical studies have identified cancer ...
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      Las familias en la convergencia mediática: competencias, mediación, oportunidades y riesgos online. Resultados de la encuesta EU Kids Online a padres y madres de menores de 9 a 17 años en España. Junio-julio 2019 

      Garmendia Larrañaga, Maialen Sorkunde ORCID; Martínez Fernández, Gemma ORCID; Larrañaga Aizpuru, Nekane ORCID; Jiménez Iglesias, Estefanía ORCID; Karrera Juarros, Iñaki ORCID; Casado del Río, Miguel Ángel ORCID; Garitaonandia Garnacho, Carmelo ORCID (INCIBE ; UPV/EHU, 2020)
      En este informe se presentan los resultados de la encuesta llevada a cabo por EU Kids Online Spain, acerca de las experiencias digitales de las familias españolas desde la perspectiva de los progenitores y con un enfoque ...
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      Finite sample behavior of two step estimators in selection models 

      Fernández Sainz, Ana Isabel ORCID; Rodríguez Poo, Juan M.; Villanúa Martín, Inmaculada (1999-04)
      The problem of specification errors in sample selection models has received considerable attention both theoretically and empirically. However, very few is known about the finite sample behavior of two step estimators. In ...
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      Fiscal Policy and Economic Stability: Does PIGS stand for Procyclicality In Government Spending? 

      Claeys, Peter; Maravalle, Alessandro (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2010-12)
      The Financial Crisis has hit particularly hard countries like Ireland or Spain. Procyclical fiscal policy has contributed to a boom-bust cycle that undermined fiscal positions and deepened current account deficits during ...
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      Fishing Technology and Optimal Distribution of Harvest Rates 

      Escapa García, Marta ORCID; Prellezo Iguarán, Raúl (1999-06)
      In this paper we analyze the optimal management of a joint ownership fishery exploitation model where agents use different fishing gears. As opposed to other works, we consider a model in which the fishing technology affects ...
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      Forecasting accuracy of behavioural models for participation in the arts 

      Ateca Amestoy, Victoria María ORCID; Prieto Rodríguez, Juan (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012-01)
      In this paper, we assess the forecasting performance of count data models applied to arts attendance. We estimate participation models for two artistic activities that differ in their degree of popularity -museum and jazz ...
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      Foreign Aid Linked to Infrastructure and/or Pollution Abatement 

      Barañano Mentxaka, Ilaski ORCID; San Martín Lizarralde, Marta ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2014-03)
      This paper studies the macroeconomic effects of a permanent increase in foreign aid in a model that takes into account environmental quality. We develop a dynamic equilibrium model in which both public investment in ...
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      Forward-looking Pairwise Stability in Networks with Externalities 

      Navarro Prada, Noemí (2013)
      We consider cooperation situations where players have network relations. Networks evolve according to a stationary transition probability matrix and at each moment in time players receive payoffs from a stationary allocation ...
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      Fractional Integration Analysis and its Implications on Profitability: the Case of the Mackerel Market in the Basque Country 

      García Enríquez, Javier ORCID; Arteche González, Jesús María ORCID; Murillas Maza, Arantza (2010)
      This paper analyses weekly prices for mackerel landed by the inshore fleet at the ports of the Basque Country in 1995-2008, using new econometric techniques never before applied to the fishing market. The idea is to learn ...
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      Frequency Domain Local Bootstrap in long memory time series 

      Arteche González, Jesús María ORCID (2020-10)
      Bootstrap techniques in the frequency domain have been proved to be effective instruments to approximate the distribution of many statistics of weakly dependent (short memory) series. However their validity with long ...
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      From bilateral two-way to unilateral one-way flow link-formation 

      Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID; Valenciano Llovera, Federico ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, 2014-11-26)
      We provide a model that bridges de gap between the simplest variation of two benchmark models of strategic network formation: Bala and Goyal s one-way ow model without decay, where links can be unilaterally formed, and a ...
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      Full Implementation of Rank Dependent Prizes 

      Midjord, Rune (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)
      A manager/mechanism designer must allocate a set of money prizes ($1, $2, .., $n) between n agents working in a team. The agents know the state i.e. who contributed most, second most, etc. The agents' prefer- ences over ...
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      Funtzio sintaktikoen gold estandarra eskuz etiketatzeko gidalerroak 

      Aduriz, Itziar; Arriola Egurrola, José María ORCID; González Dios, Itziar ORCID; Urízar Enbeitia, Rubén ORCID (2015-02-26)
      [EN]In this report we present the tags we use when annotating the gold standard of syntactic functions and the decisions taken during its annotation. The gold standard is a necessary resource to evaluate the rulebased ...
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      Games with perceptions 

      Iñarra García, María Elena ORCID; Laruelle, Annick ORCID; Zuazo Garín, Peio (Deparamento de fundamentos del análisis económico I, 2012-10-23)
      We assume that 2 x 2 matrix games are publicly known and that players perceive a dichotomous characteristic on their opponents which defines two types for each player. In turn, each type has beliefs concerning her opponent's ...
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      Gaussian Semiparametric Estimation in Long Memory in Stochastic Volatility and Signal Plus Noise Models 

      Arteche González, Jesús María ORCID (2002-04)
      This paper considers the persistence found in the volatility of many financial time series by means of a local Long Memory in Stochastic Volatility model and analyzes the performance of the Gaussian semiparametric or local ...
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      Generating cluster submodels from a multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage 

      Aldasoro Marcellan, Unai; Garín Martín, María Araceli ORCID; Merino Maestre, María ORCID; Pérez Sainz de Rozas, Gloria ORCID (2013-07)
      We present a scheme to generate clusters submodels with stage ordering from a (symmetric or a nonsymmetric one) multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage. We consider a stochastic model ...
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      Generating cluster submodels from two-stage stochastic mixed integer optimization models 

      Eguía Ribero, María Isabel; Garín Martín, María Araceli ORCID; Unzueta Inchaurbe, Aitziber ORCID (2018-10-22)
      Stochastic optimization problems of practical applications lead, in general, to some large models. The size of those models is linked to the number of scenarios that defines the scenario tree. This number of scenarios can ...
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      Generation of the database gurekddcup 

      Perona Balda, Iñigo ORCID; Arbelaiz Gallego, Olatz ORCID; Gurrutxaga Goikoetxea, Ibai ORCID; Martín, José Ignacio; Muguerza Rivero, Javier Francisco; Pérez de la Fuente, Jesús María ORCID (2017-02-10)
      The database gureKDDCup has been generated within the UADI project (Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Intrusion detection system) in which a classifier that detects intrusions or attacks in network based systems was ...
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      Geographical mobility and the labour market 

      Vives Coscojuela, Cecilia (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I. UPV-EHU, 2015-05)
      This paper studies the e ect of home-owners' migration costs on migration and unemployment in an economy where workers move both for work- and nonwork- related reasons. To this end, a search model with heterogeneous locations ...