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dc.contributor.authorUlazia Manterola, Alain ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 27 : 103-112 (2014)
dc.description.abstract2011 /12 ikasturtean abiatu zen Energia Berriztagarrien lngeniaritza Gradua Eibarko Ingeniaritza Eskolan. 20 13/14 ikasturtean txertatu dira energia berri ztagarriei dagozkien ikasgai espezifikoak, tanean Energia Eolikoa, gradu baten baitan lehenbi zikoz irakasten dena EHUn. Energia eolikoaren garrantzia nabarmendu nahi dugu eta hoiTetaz gain, azaldu nahi dugu nola erantzun zaion gure unibertsitatera soi lik mugatzen ez den aitzindaritza honek dakarren erronkari . Halaz, ikasgaiaren egitarau praktikoan zein teorikoan eman diren unatsak deskribatuko dira, batez ere baliabidearen analisian eta aerodinamikan aplikatu den problemetan oinanitutako elkarlan-ikaskuntzan ardaztuta.; In 2011112 academic year, the Grade in Engi neering of Renewable Energies started in the Engi neering School of Eibar. The specif ic su bjects of renewable energy were introduced in 20 13/14 academic year, including wind energy, whi ch was taught for the first time in the University of Basque Country. The aim of this article is to emphasize the importance of wind energy and to explain how we have re sponded to the challenge produced by this leadership that is not limited only to our univers ity. Thus , the steps taken to design the theoretical and practica! program will be described , mainly foc using on the cooperative learning based on problems , which we have applied in the analysis ofthe resource and aerodynamics.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleEnergia eolikoa ikasgaia irakasten
dc.rights.holder© 2014, Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua

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