Pneumatiko erabilien kudeaketa: pirolisia iturri ohantze konikoko erreaktorean
Artetxe Uria, Maite
Amutio Izaguirre, Maider
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Ekaia 27 : 145-154 (2014)
Egun pneumatiko erabilien kudeaketa interes handia berenganatzen ari da, alde batetik, euren isurketa eta pilaketak dakartzan ing urug iro arazoengatik eta, bestetik, pneumatiko erabi lia material baliotsua de lako ide ia gero eta indar gehiago hartzen ari delako . Balioztapen prozesu desberdinen artean, piro li sia da irtenbide erakarganienetarikoa. Izan ere, pneumatiko erabilia erregai gaseoso edo likido edota balio erantsia duten produktu kim.ikoen itu rri bilaka li teke. Iturri-ohantze konikoa erreaktore egokia da pneumatikoen pirolisia modu jarraituan eta eragozpenik gabe egiteko. Izan ere, prod uktu lik.idoaren %60 inguruko etekina lor daiteke. Lorturiko frakzio likidoa erregai gisa edo produktu kim.ikoen iturri gisa erabil daiteke. Honez gain, prozesu errentagatTia lortzeko, beharrezkoa da pirolisian lorturiko frakzio so lidoari berrerabi lpena aurkitzea. Lorturiko frakz io solidoa ikatz beltz edo ikatz aktibatu gisa erabi l daiteke, lehenengorako tratamendu egok.iaren bidez sufre kantitatea murriztuz eta bigarrenerako aktibazio prozesuaren bidez adsortziorako gaitasuna handituz .; Waste tyres are of special concern in developed countries due to the problems they may generate through inappropriate management. Besides, they are considered a valuable material. Pyrolysis of waste tyres is considered one of the most feasib le large-scale recycl ing methods, since waste tyres are a valuable source of liquid and gas fuels , as well as chemicals. The conical spouted bed reactor pe1forms well for continuous pyrolysis of waste tyres, in which the liquid fract ion is the main fraction obtained (%60). The liqu id fraction obtained could be used as fuel or source of chemical compounds.Given that a high sol id yie ld is obtained in tyre pyrolysis , a fact of great interest is to find a commercial applica tion for that product. This frac tion can be used as carbon black in tyre manufacturing oras active cm·bon, by reducing sulphur content or subjecting it toan activation process, respectively.