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dc.contributor.authorAizpurua Olaizola, Oier
dc.contributor.authorOmar, Jone
dc.contributor.authorOlivares Zabalandicoechea, Maitane
dc.contributor.authorNavarro, Patricia
dc.contributor.authorEtxebarria Loizate, Nestor
dc.contributor.authorUsobiaga Epelde, Aresatz ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 30 : 7-18 (2016)
dc.description.abstractIn this work 2 different studies have been done around medical use of cannabis. On the one hand, to help to correlate plants with their physiological effects, a HPLC-MS/MS method has been developed to establish the cannabinoid fingerprinting of different cannabis plants. On the other hand, in order to optimize the production of bioactive compounds, the evolution of cannabinoid and terpene content of different chemotype plants during their growth was studied. Concentration peaks for major cannabinoids and terpenes were establish and characteristic terpenes for each chemotype were identified.; Etorkizun hurbilean kannabisa sendagai bezala erabili ahal izateko bi urrats eman dira lan honetan. Alde batetik, landareak euren efektu fisiologikoekin lotzeko lagungarria izan daitekeen kannabinoideen hatz-marka ikertzeko metodo bat garatu da fragmentazio bikoitzeko masa-espektometriari akoplaturiko eraginkortasun handiko likido kromatografia bidez (HPLC-MS/MS High Performance Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry). Bestalde, kannabis landareko konposatuen produkzioa optimizatzeko kimiotipo ezberdineko landareen hazkuntzan zeharreko kannabinoideen eta terpenoen garapena aztertu da. Bertan, konposatu garrantzitsuenen kontzentrazio maximoak noiz agertzen diren ikusteaz gain, landare-mota bakoitzaren ezaugarri diren terpenoak zeintzuk diren aurkitu da.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleKannabisa: ageriko altxor ezkutua
dc.rights.holder© 2016, Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua

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