Odol Tanta Lehorraren fidagarritasunaren azterketa farmakoen analisi kuantitatiborako UHPLC-PDA-FLDren bidez
Ekaia 30 : 19-36 (2016)
Lan honetan Odol Tanta Lehorraren (OTLa) laginketa-teknikaren fidagarritasuna ikertu da farmakoen analisirako fotodiodo- eta fluoreszentzia-detektagailuei akoplatutako bereizmen oso altuko likido-kromatografiaren (UHPLC-PDA-FLD) bidez. OTLak, odol-tanta bat kotoi-paperezko euskarri batean jartzean eta lehortzen uztean datzan teknikak, azken urteotan erabileraren handipen garrantzitsua antzeman du bioanalisian. OTLak ohiko odol-analisiekiko hainbat abantaila erakutsi arren, analisi kuantitatiboaren ikuspuntutik hainbat faktorerekiko mendekotasuna duela antzeman da. Ikerketa honetan faktore batzuek (hematokritoa, odol-bolumena eta laginketa-puntua) farmakoen determinazioan duten eragina aztertu da, horretarako amilorida, propranolola eta valsartan farmakoak eredu gisa erabiliz. Emaitzetan oinarrituta, zuloaren kokapenak eta hematokritoak analisien zehaztasunean eta doitasunean eragina dutela ondorioztatu da, teknika honen aplikazio kuantitatiboa mugatuz. Bestalde, analitoen sakabanaketa odol-tantan zehar analitoen propietate fisiko-kimikoen mendekoa dela ikusi da, metodo analitikoaren garapenean analito bakoitzaren sakabanaketa aztertu behar dela ondorioztatuz.; In this work, the reliability of Dried Blood Spot (DBS) as a sampling technique for drug analysis was studied by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Photodiode-Array and Fluorescence Detection (UHPLC-PDA-FLD). DBS microsampling, a technique based on placing a drop of blood in a cotton support that is allowed to air dry, has lately noticed an increase in use in bioanalysis.Even though it offers several advantages compared to common blood sampling methods, it also shows some limitations for quantitative analysis due to the dependence on different factors. In this study, the influence of some of them (hematocrit, blood volume and sampling position) has been investigated, using amiloride, propranolol and valsartan drugs as model compounds. According to the results, it has been concluded that the sampling position and the hematocrit have influence in the accuracy and precision of the quantitative results, therefore limiting the use of this technique for quantitative analysis. On the other hand, dispersion of the analytes in the blood drop depends on their physicochemical properties which implies that the distribution of each analyte must be carefully studied during method development.