Polimero akrilikoak oftalmologian. Degradazio-prozesuaren analisia
Ekaia 31 : 83-96 (2017)
The use of polymeric contact lenses has risen worldwide the last years. During the development of these lenses, acrylic based materials have aroused as the most used polymers due to their optical properties. Taking into account the importance of these polymers, in this work we have explained the history and evolution of the contact lenses together with the properties that optical materials must have. Moreover, three commonly used polymers have been chosen, poly(methylmethacrylate), po ly(ben zylacrylate) and poly(tert-butylacrylate), and their thermal degradation and their kinetic have been studied.; Ukipen-leiar polimerikoen erabilpena zabaltzen ari da munduko gizarte orotan. Gaur egungo lenteetara iristeko eman diren aurrerapauso guztiek oinarri akrilikodun materialen erabilpena izan dute amankomunean, ezaugarri optiko paregabeak dituztelako. Hori dela eta, lan honetan material horien historia, ukipen-leiarren bilakaera eta polimerozko material optikoek bete beharreko baldintzak azaltzen dira. Horrez gain, industria honetan erabiliak izan diren poli(metilmetakrilato)aren, poli(bentzilakrilato)aren eta poli(tert-butilakrilato)aren degradazio termikoak eta beren zinetika aztertu dira.