Olefina arinen ekoizpena hondakin plastikoetatik
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Artetxe Uria, Maite
Amutio Izaguirre, Maider
Álvarez Uriarte, Jon Iñaki
Bilbao, Javier
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Ekaia 31 : 97-104 (2017)
Lan honetan, poliolefinetatik abiatuta, olefinak ekoizteko bi estrategia ezberdin alderatzen dira. Bi kasuetan, lehen etapan, iturri-ohantze konikoko erreaktorean plastikoaren pirolisia egin da. Bigarren etapari dagokionez, bi aukera daude pirolisian sorturiko hegazkorren crackinga egiteko; alde batetik, ohantze finkoan, cracking katalitikoa HZSM-5 zeolita katalizatzaile modura erabiltzea, eta, bestetik, tutu anitzeko erreaktorean tenperatura altuko cracking termikoa erabiltzea; In this paper two strategies focused on the production of light olefins from polyolefins are compared. In both cases, the first stage consists in the plastics pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor. With respect to the second stage, two different alternatives have been studied to perform the in-line cracking of the volatiles formed in pyrolysis.In the first alternative, a HZSM-5 catalyst is placed in a fixed bed reactor to perform the catalytic cracking, while in the second one a multitubular reactor is used for the high temperature thermal cracking