Kannabinoide berriak: segurtasun eta eraginkortasun terapeutikoaren bila
Ekaia 31 : 7-20 (2017)
Cannabis sativa plant contains non-psychoactive phytocannabinoids including cannabidiol, cannabigerol or Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin. Unlike classical cannabinoids (i.e Δ9-THC) most of these compounds bind with low affinity to cannabinoid receptors (CB), which seems to be the reason for their lack of psychoactive effect.Preliminary studies performed in humans and animals demonstrated that these cannabinoids have therapeutic properties. Different targets and mechanisms have been proposed to explain their effects such as activation of serotonergic receptors or modulation of different enzymes.; Cannabis sativa landarean kannabidiola, kannabigerola edo Δ9-tetrahidrokannabibarina bezalako kannabinoide ez-psikoaktiboak aurki daitezke. Oro har, kannabinoide horiek kannabinoideen hartzaileekiko (CB) afinitate txikia dutenez, ez daukate kannabinoide klasikoek (bereziki Δ9-THCak) duten aktibitate psikoaktiboa.Gizakietan eta animalietan kannabinoide ez-psikoaktiboekin egindako lehenengo ikerketek horien propietate terapeutikoak frogatu dituzte. Efektu horiek azaltzeko itu eta mekanismo desberdinak proposatu dira, besteak beste, hartzaile serotonergikoen aktibazioa edota entzima desberdinen modulazioa.