dc.description.abstract | Gure eguneroko bizitzan erabiltzen ditugun hainbat gailu elektroniko laser-igorpenean oinarritzen dira. Erradiazio mota honen ezaugarri bereziak, hots, monokromatizitatea, koherentzia eta norabide zuzena, aplikazio arrakastatsu eta eraginkorraren arrazoi nagusia dira. Lan honetan, gure helburu nagusia izan da laserren garrantzia agerian jartzea eta azaltzea zergatik agertzen den erradiazio mota hori. Horretarako, laserren oinarria azaldu da eta argiaren igorpen-mota hori lortzeko beharrezkoak diren eskakizunak aipatu dira. Bukaeran, laser organiko izeneko gailuetan ipini dugu arreta; horietan, koloratzaile fluoreszenteak erabiltzen dira ingurune aktibo gisa. Ildo honetatik, gure ikerkuntza-taldean azken urteetan orokorrean egindako aurrerapausoak iruzkintzen dira. Egindako ikerkuntzaren helburua, laser-seinalearen eraginkortasuna eta ponpaketaren aurrean egonkortasuna areagotzeaz gain, espektro-eremu ultramore ikusgai osoan zehar koloratzaile-laserrak egoera likidoan zein solidoan lortzea izan da.; Many of the electronic devices, which we manage usually in our daily life, are based on the laser emission. The key signatures of this kind of radiation, such as, monochromaticity, coherency and directionability, enable to apply then successfully and efficiently. In the herein reported work, the main goal has been to show the viability and key role of lasers, as well as to unravel the underlying processes to achieve this kind of radiation. Thus, we explain the fundamental basis of lasers and the guidelines and re-quirements, which rules the display of this sort of light emission. Finally, we have fo-cused on organic lasers, where fluorescent dyes are placed in the active medium. In this regard, we highlight the main advances carried out during the last years in our research group. The main aim of such research activity has been not only to improve the effi-ciency and tolerance to a strong pumping regime of the laser signal, but also to develop dye lasers in liquid and solid state across the whole ultraviolet-visible spectral region. | |