dc.description.abstract | Salmonellosis, is one of the most common food-poisoning disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella in developed countries. More than 2,500 serotypes of Salmonella enterica species are described today, but a few serotypes have been re-ceived a harbor epidemiological monitoring. On the first decade of the 21th century, thanks to advances in molecular biology techniques, the Spanish National Center of Microbiology detected an emergence and increase of monophasic variants of Salmo-nella enterica. Typification methods allow us the analysis and characterization of 4 monophasic variants. As a result, it has been possible to determine their evolutionary origin and provide epidemiological markers designed for their detection, monitoring and control to facilitate the work in epidemiology of the health authorities.; Salmonelosia, herrialde garatuetako toxiinfekzio ohikoenetariko bat da, Salmonella generoko bakterioek eragindako elikagaien bidezkoa. Salmonella ente-ricaespeziearen barruan 2.500 serotipo baino gehiago deskribatuta daude gaur egun, baina serotipo gutxi batzuk izan dira jarraipen epidemiologiko sakonagoa jaso dutenak. XXI. mendearen lehenengo hamarkadan, biologia molekularreko tekniken aurrerakun-tzei esker, Salmonella enterica espeziearen aldaera monofasikoen gehikuntza detek-tatu zen Espainiako Mikrobiologiako Zentru Nazionalean. Lan honetan, aldaera mo-nofasiko horietako 4 aztertu eta karakterizatu dira tipikazio metodoen bidez. Ondorioz, posible izan da lau aldaeren eboluzio-jatorri zehaztea eta euren detekziorako, jarraipe-nerako eta kontrolerako diseinatu diren markatzaile epidemiologikoak eskaintzen dira, osasun agintariei epidemiologia esparruan lana erraztearren. | |