Gaztagintzako prentsaketa-teknikak: gure arbasoetatik gaur egunera arte
Ekaia 35 : 239-255 (2019)
The pressing process of curd is very important in cheese making. Press-ing helps in the releasing of whey from the curd. Indeed, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the curd to obtain a good cheese conservation. Moreover, during the press-ing, the skin of the cheese is formed and the desired shape is obtained for the cheese. Over the centuries, manual pressing has been largely used. However, since the end of the xix century, press have been widely used. There is not much information about cheese pressing techniques or tools in the literature. For this reason, we have collected information on this subject, and we present it in this document. Specifically, the cheese pressing techniques used in the Basque Country are explained below, and the tools used in this task too.; Mamiaren prentsaketa prozesu garrantzitsua da gaztagintzan. Horri esker, mamiak gazura galtzen du. Berez, gaztaren kontserbazio egokia lortzeko, ma-miaren hezetasuna txikitu behar da. Gainera, prentsaketari esker, gaztaren azala era-tzen da, eta gaztari forma egokia ematen zaio. Mendeetan zehar, eskuzko prentsaketa erabili izan da gehienbat, baina x i x. mendearen bukaeratik prentsen erabilera zabaldu da. Orain arte erabilitako prentsaketa-teknikak eta tresneria oso gutxi deskribatu dira bibliografian. Hori dela eta, dokumentu honetan gai honi buruz egindako bilaketa-lana aurkezten dugu; zehazki, Euskal Herrian erabili izan diren prentsaketa-teknikak jasota daude, bai eta zeregin horretan erabili diren tresnak ere.