Iman Molekularrak: informazio unitate txikienaren bila
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Zabala Lekuona, Andoni
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Ekaia 35 : 85-99 (2019)
Nowadays, storing the highest possible amount of information in size re-duced devices is one of important concerns of society. Even though this kind of tech-nology is quite developed, the discovery of the Mn12-ac coordination compound in 1993 was considered a huge step. This is because Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) represent the smallest information units. Therefore, new devices based on this kind of materials would enhance information storage capacity. In the present work, the most important and representative discoveries since 1993 have been summarized.; Ahalik eta informazio gehien ahalik eta espazio murritzenean gorde-tzea gizartearen gaur egungo beharra eta nahia da, aldi berean. Zentzu honetan teknolo-gia dezente aurreratua badago ere, 1993. urtean Mn12-ac koordinazio konposatua aur-kitu zenean sekulako aurrerapausoa eman zen. Izan ere, Iman Molekular (SMM, Single Molecule Magnet) deituriko konposatu hauek informazio unitatea molekula bakar ba-tera murriztea ahalbidetzen dute. Ondorioz, material hauekin sortutako gailuek askoz ere potentzial handiagoa izango lukete. Lan honetan 1993. urtetik gaur arte emandako aurrerapauso garrantzitsuenak laburbiltzen dira.