Nanoelikagaiak: tamainak axola duenean
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Lozano López de Arbina, Iñigo
Ruiz de Larramendi Villanueva, Idoia
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Ekaia 35 : 143-163 (2019)
The use of nanotechnology has become a key tool for the development of an endless number of applications. The food sector is not an exception since the bene-fits of nanotechnology are expected to allow us to enjoy healthier, more resilient and long-lasting foods. In this work, we present the main advances related to the introduc-tion of nanotechnology in the food sector, focusing on three areas: nano-enriched foods, novel designs for food packaging and nanosensors. Finally, the controversy sur-rounding nanofood is analyzed, since although nanotechnology can contribute with lots of benefits, its use still causes fear and insecurity among the population.; Nanoteknologiaren erabilpena funtsezko erreminta bilakatu da apli-kazio askoren garapenean, eta elikagaien sektorea ez da alde batera geratu. Modu ho-rretan, nanoelikagaien garapenak osasuntsuagoak, erresistenteagoak eta iraupen luzea-goa duten elikagaiz gozatzea ahalbidetuko duela uste da. Lan honetan, nanoteknologia elikadura sektorean ezartzeak eragindako aurrerapen nagusiak aurkezten dira eta, be-reziki, honako hiru arlo hauetan jarri da arreta: nano-aberastutako elikagaiak, elikagai biltegiratzeko diseinu berriak eta nanosentsoreak. Amaitzeko, elikadura industrian na-noteknologiaren erabilpenak eragindako eztabaida aztertuko da; abantaila asko ekar di-tzakeen arren, egun gizartearengan beldurra eta kezkak eragiten baititu.