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dc.contributor.authorBabarro Vélez, Izaro ORCID
dc.contributor.authorAndiarena Villaverde, Ainara ORCID
dc.contributor.authorIbarluzea Maurolagoitia, Jesús María
dc.contributor.authorFano Ardanaz, Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorAurrekoetxea Agirre, Juan José ORCID
dc.contributor.authorLertxundi Iribar, Nerea
dc.contributor.authorLertxundi Manterola, Aitana
dc.contributor.authorGallastegi Bilbao, Mara
dc.contributor.authorIrizar Loibide, Amaia
dc.contributor.authorPereda Pereda, Eva
dc.contributor.authorUrbieta Macazaga, Nerea
dc.contributor.authorSanta Marina Rodríguez, Loreto
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 36 : 85-108 (2019)
dc.description.abstractIn the health field in general and in public health in particular, the environment has become important over the last two centuries. In 1974 Marc Lalonde developed a health model, remarking the role that lifestyles and the environment play on health. The main objective of this work is to highlight the most relevant results of the INMA project in relation to how these factors impact the neuropsychological development of children. Among others, maternal lifestyles, overweight and obesity and tobacco habits showed a negative association with child neurodevelopment. Considering maternal diet during pregnancy we observed that fish consumption could be both beneficial and harmful for children neurodevelopment. Regarding the health guidelines, our results showed that folic acid had beneficial effects in children´s neuropsychological development. Although extremely high doses of folic acid have been related to cognitive and psychomotor problems during childhood. Our study showed that breastfeeding is a protective factor against behavioral problems such as autism. Exposure to different particles that are in the environment had showed to have a negative effect in children neurodevelopment. The closeness to green spaces was related to an improvement of attention in children. This work concludes that mothers´ lifestyles and sanitary patterns women follow during pregnancy, as well as their environmental exposure could be related to the future neuropsychological development of their children.; Osasunaren esparruan oro har, eta zehazki Osasun Publikoarenean, azken bi mendeetan ingurumenak osasunean duen eragina aztertzeak interesa piztu du. Marc Lalondek, 1974. urtean osasun-eredua garatu zuen, eta azpimarratu zuen bizi-ohiturek eta inguruko faktoreek osasunean zuten eragina. Artikulu honen helburu orokorra da faktore hauek haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoan nola eragiten duten aztertzea helburutzat duten INMA proiektuko hainbat lanen emaitza esanguratsuenak azpimarratzea. Hala nola, emakumeen bizi-estiloekin erlazionatutako gainpisu/obesitateak eta erretze-ohiturak asoziazio negatiboa erakutsi zuten haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoarekin. Elikadura-ohiturei dagokienez, ikusi zen arraina osasunerako onuragarriak zein kaltegarriak diren substantzien garraio dela. Emakume haurdunek jarraitzen zituzten ekimenei dagokienez, gure proiektuko emaitzek erakutsi zuten azido folikoaren dosi altuegi zein baxuegiek haurren garapen neuropsikologikoan eragin positiboak zituztela. Edoskitze naturalak autismoa bezalako jokabide-arazoentzat eragin babesgarria zuela erakutsi zuten gure ikerketek. Ingurumen faktoreek haurraren garapenean eta osasunean kalteak dakartzatela ikusi da. Berdeguneek duten eragina, ordea, onuragarria dela ikusi da. Lan honek haurdunaldian emakumeak jarraitzen dituen bizi-ohiturak eta osasun-sistemaren aholkuak zein emakumeak dituen ingurumen-esposizioak haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoan duen eragina erakutsi du.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleHaurdunaldian amak izandako bizi-ohiturak, ingurumen-esposizioak, osasun-sistemaren ekimenak eta haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoa: INMA (Haurtzaroa eta Ingurumena-Infancia y Medio Ambiente) proiektuan argitaratutako lanen errebisioa.
dc.rights.holder© 2019 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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