HVAC sistemetan koroa-efektuaren agerpena detektatu eta aztertzeko metodologia.
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Larrea Valle, Ane Miren
Etxegarai Madina, Agurtzane
de la Hoz Lambraño, Manuel Antonio
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Ekaia 36 : 127-150 (2019)
As a consequence of the ionization of the air, corona effect is formed in high voltage overhead lines, resulting into electrical losses and damage. The objective of this paper is to study the corona effect and its detection in high voltage AC systems. The corona detection methodology presented in this paper uses the experimental data obtained by Jorgensen and Pedersen, which are based on the theory of Townsend. COMSOL multiphysics software has been used to calculate the electric field, since it is an essential parameter in the calculation of corona effect. The results obtained have been examined with MATLAB. Once the methodology has been verified, the influence of temperature, pressure, geometry and simulation conditions on corona effect have been analysed.; Airearen ionizazioa dela eta, tentsio altuko lineetan koroa-efektua sortzen da, eta, ondorioz, elektrizitate-galerak eta lineetan kalteak gertatzen dira. Hortaz, artikulu honen helburua koroa-efektua eta haren detekzioa aztertzea da korronte alternoko goi-tentsioko sistemetan. Ikerketa-metodologiak Jorgensen eta Pedersen-ek lortutako datu esperimentalak erabili ditu, eta kalkuluak Townsend-en teorian oinarrituta daude. COMSOL multiphysics softwarea erabili da eremu elektrikoaren kalkulurako, beharrezko parametroa baita koroa-efektuaren kalkuluan. Lortutako emaitzak MATLAB bidez aztertu dira. Behin metodologia egiaztatuta, presioa, tenperatura, geometria eta simulazio-inguruneak koroa-efektuan duten eragina aztertu dira.