Txosten teknikoak eta Lan dokumentuak;;Informes técnicos y Documentos de trabajo: Recent submissions
Now showing items 45-48 of 92
J48Consolidated: an implementation of CTC algorithm for WEKA
(2016-02-12)The CTC algorithm, Consolidated Tree Construction algorithm, is a machine learning paradigm that was designed to solve a class imbalance problem, a fraud detection problem in the area of car insurance [1] where, besides, ... -
Euskarazko denbora-egiturak etiketatzeko gidalerroak v2.0
(2016-02-11)[EN]To interpret the temporal information on texts, a mark-up language that will code that information is needed, in order to make that information automatically reachable. The most used mark-up language is TimeML (Pustejovsky ... -
PIM-SM extension for Source-Specific Multicast through non multicast networks
(2015-10-08)Deployment of multicast in the open Internet is stagnated, mainly as a result of service provider policies and network limitations. To skip the lack of multicast connectivity between receivers and networks that carry traffic ... -
Centro de Acogida Inmediata –CAI- para víctimas de violencia de género: marco teórico
(2014-06)[ES] En el documento se desarrolla la evolución de los distintos conceptos empleados para nombrar la violencia contra las mujeres desde una perspectiva amplia sobre las múltiples formas de violencia que las afecta. Se ...