Now showing items 73-76 of 92

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      Obtaining teaching expertise from F2F learning interactions 

      Ruiz, Samara; Urretavizcaya, Maite; Fernández de Castro, Isabel ORCID (2012)
      Learning environments are commonly used nowadays, but they exclude face-to-face interaction among teachers and students what is a successful basis of traditional education. On the other hand, in many cases teachers are ...
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      Learning from human teaching strategies 

      Ruiz, Samara; Urretavizcaya, Maite; Fernández de Castro, Isabel ORCID (2012)
      Recent works in the area of adaptive education systems point out the importance of aumenting the student model to improve the personalization and adaptation to the learner by means of several aspects such as emotions, user ...
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      Music-Theoretic Estimation of Chords and Keys from Audio 

      Rocher, Thomas; Hanna, Pierre; Robine, Matthias; Conklin, Darrell (2012)
      This paper proposes a new method for local key and chord estimation from audio signals. This method relies primarily on principles from music theory, and does not require any training on a corpus of labelled audio files. ...
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      Aprendizaje basado en proyectos aplicado a la asignatura Ingeniería del software : guía del docente y guía del estudiante 

      Goñi Sarriguren, Alfredo; Ibáñez Martínez-Conde, Jesús ORCID; Iturrioz Sánchez, Juan Ignacio ORCID; Vadillo Zorita, José Ángel ORCID (2012)
      Este informe recoge las guías del docente y del estudiante para la puesta en marcha, seguimiento continuo y evaluación de la asignatura Ingeniería del Software del segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Todo ...