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dc.contributor.authorEtxebeste Liras, Onintza
dc.identifier.citationAusArt 6(1) : 55-71 (2018)
dc.description.abstractThis text, based on different active and transversal methodologies, focuses on the possibilities the artistic field offers to the constitutive process of the heritage, by construction and reconstruction, and looking for alternative sensitive and viable narrative perspectives. For this purpose, it is proposed a modification of the concept from patrimonialization to articulation as a way to approach the past, considering this as a network of multiple and active relationships. The past-present articulation, the nature of the installation and its performativity are appreciated, from the artistic methodology, as a resource for the "active" and social construction of heritage, cultural identity, and its contemporary “sustainability”.; Testu honek arte esparruak, metodologia aktibo eta transbersal anitzetatik abiatuta, ondarearen iraunkortasun, eraiketa eta berreraiketa prozesuan eman ditzazketen aukeretan erreparatzen du, ikusmira eta narratiba sensible desberdinen bila. Patrimonializaziotik artikulaziorako aldaketa proposatzen da iraganera gerturatzeko prozeduratzat, agente bizi eta multipleak harreman sare hedatu baten sakoneran antzemanez. Iragan-orainaldiko artikulazioa, instalazio izaera eta haren performatibitatea goraipatzen dira, metodologia artistikotik abiatuta, kultur identitatearen eraikuntza-prozesu aktiboaren eta bere ondarearen “iraunkortasunerako” zein ezagutzarako baliabide moduan
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleArt(e/i)kulazioa: iragan-orainaldiko narratiba aktiboen eraikuntza, praxi artistikoaren disziplinartekotasunetik abiatuta
dc.rights.holder© 2018 UPV/EHU Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

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