dc.description.abstract | Although we are in the twentieth century, the image of the bohemian artist is still alive. The present of this figure is not only the result of the eyes of those outside the field of art, but also of something that has been nurtured from within. This idealized artist figure remains attractive based on a double belief. On the one hand, it is thought that being an artist, is something like rejecting material needs, in order to self-realize, achieve certain individual freedom. On the other hand, it is thought that in a capitalist society, this figure, based on nonconformity and an antagonistic attitude, is able to build a separate life or place itself in a possible "anti-world." But this double belief is wrong. The myth of the bohemian artist is very far from the reality that the artist lives today.; XXI. mendean gauden arren, artista bohemioaren irudiak indarrean darrai. Figura horrek gaurkotasuna badu, ez da artearen esparrutik kanpoko begiradaren emaitza bakarrik, baizik eta esparru bertatik elikatu delako ere bada. Idealizatutako artistaren figura horrek erakargarri izaten jarraitzen du uste bikoitz batetan medio. Batetik, pentsatzen da artista izatea badela, behar materialei muzin egin eta autoerrealizazioaren bidean, askatasun indibiduala lortzearen pareko zerbait. Eta bestetik, sinisten da, gizarte kapitalista batean, aukera hori badela, konformagaitzatasuna eta jarrera antagoniko batetik abiatuta, aparteko bizimodu bat eraiki edo balizko "antimundu" batetan kokatzeko modua. Uste bikoitz hau okerrekoa da ordea. Urrun geratzen da artista bohemioaren mitoa gaur artistak bizi duen errealitatetik. | |