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dc.contributor.authorGoicoechea Larracoechea, Nestor
dc.contributor.authorEguiraun Martínez, Harkaitz
dc.contributor.authorGalarraga, Ibon
dc.contributor.authorSolaberrieta Méndez, Eneko
dc.contributor.authorAbadie, Luis María
dc.identifier.citationEkaia N. Extra : 79-94 (2020)
dc.description.abstractCurrently maritime transport is growing due to globalization and economic growth, and it transports approximately the 90% of the world’s goods. World maritime transport fleet is increasing in amount and in size of vessels and, accordingly, marine fuel oil consumption is also increasing. The marine fuel oil consumption represents the 50% of the operational costs of a vessel and it has a huge environmental impact (ocean acidification, pollution, greenhouse effect, climate change…). Consequently, IMO (International Maritime Organization) created a specific environmental regulation and divided the ocean in different ECA zones (Emission Control Areas). The present work analyses the best strategy, a shipowner should adopt, to comply with ECA regulations, in three different panoramas: i) using an active vessel, placing a scrubber or consuming low sulphur marine fuel oil; ii) constructing a new vessel, choosing between marine dual engine or marine diesel mengine in both cases with or without scrubber; and iii) in case new ECA zones are created, which affects directly the vessel’s operational area.; Gaur egun, itsas garraioak munduko ondasunen % 90 mugitzen du. Ekonomiaren hazkundea eta globalizazioa direla-eta, garraio mota hori goraka doa. Munduko garraioontzi flotaren kopurua haziz doan neurrian, fuel-olioaren kontsumoa ere hazten ari da. Fuel-olioaren kostua garraio-ontzi baten kostu operazionalen % 50 baino gehiago da, eta erregai horren erabilerak eragin nabarmena du ingurumenean (azidifikazioa, kutsadura, berotegi-efektua…); hori kontuan izanik, ECA direlako guneetan (Emission Control Areas) banatu ditu munduko itsasoak IMOk (International Maritime Organization), ingurumen-legedi berezi baten pean. Artikulu honetan, aztergai da zer estrategia jarraitu behar duen armadore batek (itsasontzi baten ustiatzaileak) lege sorta horietara egokitzeko, honako hiru aldagai hauek kontutan izanda: i) eraikita dagoen itsasontzi bat ustiatzen badu, sufre gutxiagoko fuelak erabiltzea edo itsasontziaren motorra egokitzea; ii) itsasontzi berri bat eraikitzera badoa, motor duala edo diesel-motorra jartzea; eta iii) zer aukera dagoen IMOk ECA gune berriak sortzeko.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleNola aurre egin itsas garraioak eragindako klima-aldaketari? Estrategia berriak
dc.rights.holder© 2020 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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