Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Eskola giroa: definizioa, domeinuak, beste aldagaiekin harremana eta ebaluazioa. 

      Escalante Mateos, Naiara ORCID; Fernández Zabala, Aranzazu ORCID; Goñi Palacios, Eider ORCID; Izar de la Fuente Díaz de Cerio, Iker (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2020)
      The study of school climate is interesting from a contextual perspective of student assessment. Nevertheless, school climate is a difficult construct to analyze and assess, mainly due to the fact that it has a multidimensional ...
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      Lehen Hezkuntzarako kirol-jarduera fisikoko inplikazioaren galdeketa: faktore-analisi baieztatzailea 

      Izar de la Fuente Díaz de Cerio, Iker; Rodríguez Fernández, Arantzazu; Escalante Mateos, Naiara ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      Based on a previous pilot validation, once the internal consistency of the questionnaire of engagement in physical-sport activity (IMAF) for Primary Education is improved, a confirmatory factor analysis is carried out. In ...