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dc.contributor.authorGarro Larrañaga, Eneritz
dc.contributor.authorIpiña Larrañaga, Nagore
dc.contributor.authorOzaeta Elorza, Arantzazu
dc.identifier.citationTantak 30(2) : 99-116 (2018)
dc.description.abstractLan honen helburua da aztertzea eta ezaugarritzea unibertsitateko irakasle-bideratzaileek zer nolako bidaidetza mota egiten duten etorkizuneko irakasleekin euren praktikaren analisia bideoaren aurreko autokonfrontazio elkarrizketak egiten ari direnean. 5 irakasle-bideratzailek egindako 10 autokonfrontazio elkarrizketak osatutako corpusean,. aztertu da irakasle-bideratzaile horien rola ikasleekin egindako autokonfrontazio elkarrizketen transkribapenetan eta euren jarduna 9 kategoriatan banatu da. Horietatik bi zehaztapenak eskatzea eta kontrobertsia sortzea, dira elkarrizketetan erabilienak. Irakasle-bideratzailearen profilaren arabera, ordea, ezberdintasunak sumatu dira jarduteko moduetan eta, ondorioz, prestakuntza eredua partekatua izan dadin irakasle-bideratzaileen prestakuntzan sakondu beharko litzateke. ; The aim of the present paper is to analyse and characterise the way in which teacher educators work with student teachers when conducting analyses of their own practice by means of selfconfrontation interviews. The corpus of this work consists of 10 self-confrontation interviews carried out by 5 teacher educators. The role of those teacher educators was analysed using the transcriptions of the interviews and 9 categories were identified. Two categories were found to be the most common: demanding specifications and creating controversy. Differences were also found as regards teacher educators’ profile. As a result, in-depth training for teacher educators has been considered as needed. initial teacher education, teacher educators, analysis of the activity, self-confrontation interviews.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleElkarrizketak irakasleen prestakuntzarako bitarteko: irakasle-bideratzaileen jarduna ezaugarritzen
dc.rights.holder© 2018 UPV/EHU Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional

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