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dc.contributor.authorAltuna Urdin, Jon
dc.contributor.authorLizarraga, Aitziber
dc.identifier.citationTantak 32(1) : 85-115 (2020)
dc.description.abstractIn Hernani is the Ikastola Langile. In the 1980s, the ikastolas movement was still young in Euskal Herria, and its objective was to break, to a large extent, with the traditional school models of priests and Francoism. The School developed a concrete methodology that following the pedagogical models of the time, but above all, experimenting and evaluating. In the town, and in general, this ikastola did not follow the models of other ikastolas from Euskal Herria for years. Taking all this into account and currently researching, developing and applying one more educational model, the author carries out an analysis of this methodology used by Ikastola. The main objective of this research is to know the follow-up in Compulsory Secondary Education of the methodology applied first in Early Childhood Education and then in Primary Education.; Hernanin dago Langile Ikastola. 80ko hamarkadan, ikastolen mugimendua oraindik gaztea zen Euskal Herrian, eta apaiz eta frankismo garaiko eskola eredu tradizionalekin haustea zuen helburu, neurri handi batean. Metodologia konkretu bat garatu zuen Ikastolak garaiko eredu pedagogikoei jarraituz baina batez ere, esperimentatuz eta ebaluatuz. Herriko, eta oro har, Euskal Herriko gainerako ikastola ereduei jarraitzen ez zien ikastola honek bere bide propioa egin zuen urtetan zehar. Hau guztia kontutan harturik eta gaur egun inoiz baino hezkuntza eredu gehiago ikertzen, garatzen eta aplikatzen aritzeak, Langile Ikastolak erabilitako metodologia honen azterketa bat egitera daramatza egileak. Ikerketa lan honen helburu nagusia da jakitea Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntzan zer-nolako jarraipena izan zuen lehenbizi Haur Hezkuntzan eta gero Lehen Hezkuntzan aplikaturiko metodologia honek.Laburpena euskaraz.GAKO-HITZAK: Langile Ikastola, metodologia, Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza, motibazioa, ebaluazioa ABSTRACT: In Hernani is the Ikastola Langile. In the 1980s, the ikastolas movement was still young in Euskal Herria, and its objective was to break, to a large extent, with the traditional school models of priests and Francoism. The School developed a concrete methodology that following the pedagogical models of the time, but above all, experimenting and evaluating. In the town, and in general, this ikastola did not follow the models of other ikastolas from Euskal Herria for years. Taking all this into account and currently researching, developing and applying one more educational model, the author carries out an analysis of this methodology used by Ikastola. The main objective of this research is to know the follow-up in Compulsory Secondary Education of the methodology applied first in Early Childhood Education and then in Primary Education.KEYWORDS: Langile Ikastola, methodology, Secondary Education, motivation, evaluation
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleLangile Ikastolak erabilitako metodologiari begirada bat.
dc.rights.holder© 2020 UPV/EHU Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional

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