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dc.contributor.authorEscalante Mateos, Naiara
dc.contributor.authorFernández Zabala, Aranzazu
dc.contributor.authorGoñi Palacios, Eider ORCID
dc.contributor.authorIzar de la Fuente Díaz de Cerio, Iker
dc.identifier.citationTantak 32(1) : 117-136 (2020)
dc.description.abstractThe study of school climate is interesting from a contextual perspective of student assessment. Nevertheless, school climate is a difficult construct to analyze and assess, mainly due to the fact that it has a multidimensional structure that has been understood from a number of different angles. A great deal of confusion still exists regarding the terminology used to refer to this construct, and its internal structure has yet to be clearly defined.In order to clarify this issue, the main aim of the present study was to conduct a theoretical review of the school climate construct, as well as to analyse the instruments designed to measure it. The study concludes that although a diverse range of instruments have been developed in Anglo-American countries to assess the different dimensions of the construct, there is a lack of widely-accepted and validated measures in the Spanish language. Thus, there is a need to develop an instrument in Spanish that complies with the universal standards of reliability and validity and which evaluates the four domains which have the broadest support at a theoretical leve (safety, relationships, environmental-structural aspects and teaching-learning).This question will be addressed in future studies.; Eskola giroa aztertzea interesgarria da ikasleen ebaluazioaren testuinguruaren ikuspegitik. Dena den, eskola giroa lantzeko eta ebaluatzeko zaila den konstruktua da, batez ere hainbat ikuspegitatik ikertu izan den dimentsio anitzeko egitura delako. Gaur egun, oraindik, terminologia nahasmen handia dago haren inguruan, eta haren barne egitura ez dago argi zehaztuta. Beraz, gai hori argitu ahal izateko asmoz, lan honen helburu nagusia da eskola giroa konstruktuaren berrikuspen teorikoa egitea, bai eta hura neurtzeko bideratutako tresnak aztertzea ere. Ondorioztatzen da herrialde anglosaxoietan aldagai horren dimentsioak ebaluatzeko garatu diren tresnak asko eta askotarikoak izan diren arren, gaztelaniaz onartu eta baliozkotu diren tresnak oso urriak direla oraindik. Horrela, agerian uzten da fidagarritasun eta baliozkotasun estandar unibertsalak betetzen dituen eta maila teorikoan babes handiena duten lau domeinuak (segurtasuna, harremanak, ingurumen-egitura alderdiak eta irakaskuntza-ikaskuntza) ebaluatzen dituen gaztelaniazko ebaluazio tresna bat izateko premia. Auzi hori etorkizuneko lanetan jorratuko da.GAKO-HITZAK: Bigarren hezkuntza, berrikuspen bibliografikoa, eskola giroa, dimentsio aniztasuna, neurketa tresna, ebaluazioa. ABSTRACT: The study of school climate is interesting from a contextual perspective of student assessment. Nevertheless, school climate is a difficult construct to analyze and assess, mainly due to the fact that it has a multidimensional structure that has been understood from a number of different angles. A great deal of confusion still exists regarding the terminology used to refer to this construct, and its internal structure has yet to be clearly defined. In order to clarify this issue, the main aim of the present study was to conduct a theoretical review of the school climate construct, as well as to analyse the instruments designed to measure it. The study concludes that although a diverse range of instruments have been developed in Anglo-American countries to assess the different dimensions of the construct, there is a lack of widely-accepted and validated measures in the Spanish language. Thus, there is a need to develop an instrument in Spanish that complies with the universal standards of reliability and validity and which evaluates the four domains which have the broadest support at a theoretical leve (safety, relationships, environmental-structural aspects and teaching-learning).This question will be addressed in future studies.KEYWORDS: Secondary school, bibliographic review, school climate, multidimensionality, measurement instrument, evaluation.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleEskola giroa: definizioa, domeinuak, beste aldagaiekin harremana eta ebaluazioa.
dc.rights.holder© 2020 UPV/EHU Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional

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