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dc.contributor.authorAmenabarro Iraola, Estibaliz
dc.contributor.authorNavarro Rodríguez, Nerea
dc.identifier.citationTantak 32(1) : 137-163 (2020)
dc.description.abstractWhen analyzing the society we live in today, it is unavoidable to perceive instability and constant modifications caused by it. In such a context, it is of great importance to study the relations among teachers amidst the educational environment. With this article we show the opinions of various teachers on the relationships that arise between them. For this, we put the focus of attention on the interpersonal relationships between teachers, their definition, the school climate, space, time and care among teachers. In order to obtain information on these aspects, we use the qualitative methodology. We carried out 3 semi-structured interviews with teachers and later, a seminar with the structure of the dynamic focus groups with 13 teachers. In the seminar, we used photographic recording techniques and their respective narratives, description of concepts and focused debate. The results show that despite the importance of relationships between teachers, it is important to increase training in the subject, since the dynamics of relationships can have a great influence on the school climate and the wellbeing of teachers.; Gaur egungo gizarte errealitateari begirada azkar bat ematen badiogu, ziurgabetasunari eta etengabeko aldaketari erreparatzea ezinbestekoa da. Irakasleek beren jarduera testuinguru horretan garatu behar dutenez, eskola eremuan sortzen dituzten harremanen analisiak garrantzia dauka. Hurrengo artikuluan, irakasle talde bateko kideek beren arteko harremanen inguruan duten iritzia/ikuspegia jasotzea izan dugu helburu. Horretarako, arreta berezia eskaini diegu irakasleen arteko harremanei, haien definizioari, eskolako giroari, espazioari eta denborari, bai eta irakasleen arteko zaintza ikuspegiei ere. Gai horiei buruzko datuak eskuratzeko, metodologia kualitatiboa erabili dugu: elkarrizketa erdi-egituratuak egin zaizkie hiru irakasleri; ondoren, 13 irakaslerekin mintegi bat egin da. Mintegian, focus groups dinamikaren egiturari jarraituz argazkien erregistroa eta haien inguruko narratibak sortu dira. Ondoren, ikerketarekin lotura duten hainbat kontzepturen deskribapena egin da eta, amaitzeko, irakasleen artean ardazturiko eztabaida. Emaitzek erakutsi dute, irakasleen arteko harremanek garrantzia duten arren, gaiaren inguruko formakuntza handitzea ezinbestekoa dela. Izan ere, harremanen dinamikek zeharo baldintzatu dezakete eskolako giroa eta bertako irakasleen ongizatea.GAKO-HITZAK: Lehen Hezkuntza, irakasleak, pertsonarteko harremanak, espazioa, denbora, zaintza ABSTRACT: When analyzing the society we live in today, it is unavoidable to perceive instability and constant modifications caused by it. In such a context, it is of great importance to study the relations among teachers amidst the educational environment. With this article we show the opinions of various teachers on the relationships that arise between them. For this, we put the focus of attention on the interpersonal relationships between teachers, their definition, the school climate, space, time and care among teachers. In order to obtain information on these aspects, we use the qualitative methodology. We carried out 3 semi-structured interviews with teachers and later, a seminar with the structure of the dynamic focus groups with 13 teachers. In the seminar, we used photographic recording techniques and their respective narratives, description of concepts and focused debate. The results show that despite the importance of relationships between teachers, it is important to increase training in the subject, since the dynamics of relationships can have a great influence on the school climate and the well-being of teachers.KEYWORDS: Primary education, teacher, relations, space, time, care.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleIrakasleen arteko harreman pedagogikoak eskola testuinguruan: Jakintza ikastola, begirada berrien bila.
dc.rights.holder© 2020 UPV/EHU Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional

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