Feitac espravi dutuçu: partizipio sail berri bat Zuberoan
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Padilla Moyano, Manuel
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Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 52(1-2) : 629-646 (2018)
During the last centuries Souletin Basque has developed a new group of verbs ended in -i. Romance-origin forms such as akabi ‘to end’, ataki ‘to attack’ or ezkapi ‘to escape’ differ from the ancient Basque participles pertaining to the -i class of verbs. In fact, every new verb in -i has an equivalent within the -tu class (e.g. akabatü, atakatü, ezkapatü), with which it tends to a complementary distribution of forms and functions.This paper analyses the new group of participles in the light of a far-reaching corpus of Souletin texts from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Firstly, I will describe the forms and functions of the new verbs ended in -i (§ 2), and I will systematically collect their attestations (§ 3). From a diachronic point of view, the competition between the new forms and their pairs ended in -tu will be addressed (§ 4). Then I shall argue that new forms in -i are due to language contact with Gascon; more specifically, they originated in the borrowing of inflected verbal forms to Bearnese Gascon (§ 5). Finally, I will discuss some other forms ending in -i which have not yet acquired full verbal nature (§ 6).; Azken mendeetako zubererak -i bukaerarekiko aditz multzo berri bat garatu du. Jatorri erromantzeko akabi, ataki edo ezkapi bezalako formak ez dira, alta, -i multzoko euskal partizipio zaharrekin batera sailkatzekoak. Izan ere, multzo berriko aditzek kideak dituzte -tü klasean (akabatü, atakatü, ezkapatü), zeinekin forma zein funtzio banaketa osagarrian erabiliak baitira. Artikulu honek partizipio berrien multzoa aztertzen du Zuberoako euskara historikoan, XVI-XIX. mendera bitarteko corpus zabal batean oinarriturik. Lehenik, aditz berrien forma eta funtzioak deskribatuko dira (§ 2), haien agerpena sistematikoki bilduz (§ 3). Ikuspegi diakronikotik, -i-dun forma berrien eta -(a)tü beren kideen arteko lehia deskribatuko da (§ 4). Ondoren, forma berrien jatorriaren gaineko hipotesi bat formulatuko da, gaskoiarekiko ukipenari seinalatzen diona, eta zehazkiago bearnesaren aditz jokatuen mailegatzeari (§ 5). Azkenik, -i akabantza duten, baina oraino aditz izaera osoki berenganatu ez duten beste zenbait forma ikertuko dira (§ 6).