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dc.contributor.authorTrepiana Arin, Jenifer ORCID
dc.contributor.authorGómez Zorita, Saioa
dc.contributor.authorMilton Laskibar, Iñaki
dc.contributor.authorPortillo Baquedano, María Puy ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 39 : 11-21 (2021)
dc.description.abstractThe white adipose tissue (WAT), which is made up of adipocytes, is the main energy storage in the body. Depending on its distribution within the body, subcutaneous WAT (SWAT) and visceral WAT (VWAT) can be differentiated. With regard to adipocytes, those in the VWAT are metabolically more active than those from the SWAT, which tend to be bigger and have greater capacity to bind lipids. Obesity induces WAT expansion in two ways: increasing the amount of adipocytes, or increasing their size (hyperplasia and hypertrophy, respectively).These changes can affect the adequate functioning of this tissue. In this context, the WAT expansion driven by hypertrophy tend to be associated with obesity and related metabolic alterations. In order to highlight the importance of adipocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the development of obesity related comorbidities, the terms "metabolically healthy obese" and "false slim" have been proposed. The first one refers to those subjects who don’t present metabolic alterations other than obesity itself. By contrast, the latter tend to have higher pro-inflammatory cytokine blood levels even though their body weight is normal. Altogether, it is clear the necessity of more research devoted to characterizing both, the expansion of adipose tissue in obese subjects and methods to identify "metabolically healthy obese" and "false slim" subjects.; Gantz-ehun zuria (GEZ) gorputzeko energia-biltegia da eta adipozito izena duten zelulez osaturik dago. Giza gorputzean duen kokalekuaren arabera, larruazalpeko GEZ (LGEZ) eta erraietako GEZ (EGEZ) bereizten dira. Adipozitoei dagokienez, EGEZko adipozitoak LGEZkoak baino aktiboagoak dira metabolikoki; azken horiek, berriz, tamaina handiagoa eta lipidoak hartzeko gaitasun handiagoa dute. Obesitateak GEZren hazkunde edo hedapena eragiten du, bi modutan: adipozitoen kopurua edo tamaina handituz (hiperplasia eta hipertrofia, hurrenez hurren). GEZn gertatzen diren aldaketa horiek, ehun honen funtzionamendu egokian eragin dezakete. Horrela, hipertrofia bidez gertatzen den GEZren hedapena obesitatearekin eta hari lotutako gaixotasun metabolikoekin erlazio- natzen da. Adipozitoen hipertrofiak eta hiperplasiak obesitatearekin lotutako komorbilitateetan duten garrantziaz jabetzeko, "metabolikoki osasuntsuak diren obesoak" eta "argal faltsuak" terminoak aipatu behar dira. Lehenengoen kasuan, obesitateaz gain ez da gainerako asaldura metabolikorik izango. Bigarrengoen kasuan, berriz, pisu egokia izan arren zitokina hantura-eragileen maila handiagoak izaten dituzte odolean. Etorkizunari begira, argi geratzen da pertsona obesoen gantz-gordailuen hedapena ezaugarritu eta "metabolikoki osasuntsuak diren obesoak" zein "argal faltsuak" identifikatzea ahalbidetuko duten ikerketa gehiagoren beharra.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleAdipogenesia, osasunaren etsai edo lagun?
dc.rights.holder© 2021 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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