Kukutxeztula: "gainditutako" gaitz baten itzulera
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Benito Vicente, Asier
Belloso Uribe, Kepa
Martín Plágaro, César Augusto
Ostolaza Echabe, Elena Amaya
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Ekaia 39 : 61-78 (2021)
Arnasbideetako infekzioek heriotza tasa altuak eragiten dituzte munduan, COVID-19 birusa izanik azken urteetako adibiderik argiena. Hala ere, ez da libre dabilen patogeno bakarra eta berrikuspen honetan Bordetella pertussis bakterio patogenoak eragindako kukutxeztulaz arituko gara. Kukutxeztula arnasbideen infekzio larri eta kutsakorra da, bertako jariakinekin edota listu tantekin kontaktua izatean transmititzen dena. Helduetan arrisku berezirik ez duten sintomak eragiten dituen arren (etengabeko eztul gertakariak, arnasteko zailtasuna edota sukarra, besteak beste), heriotza eragin dezake urte batetik beherako haurretan batez ere. Kukutxeztula fase goiztiar batean gainditu ez duten gaixoek bigarren mailako pneumonia bezalako konplikazioak garatu ditzakete, horixe izaten delarik kukutxeztulaz hiltzen diren gehienen arrazoi nagusia. Lehen txertoa garatu zenetik kontrolpean zegoela uste izan den arren, kalte handiak eragin ditu garapen bidean dauden herrialdeetan batez ere. Herrialde garatuetan ere badu bere inpaktua, eta 2011tik gaur arte Ipar Amerikan eta mendebaldeko Europan epidemia egoera zabaldu da. Berrikuspen honetan kukutxeztulari buruzko informazioaren eguneratze bat aurkezten da, B. pertussisek erabiltzen dituen hainbat mekanismo infekziosotan arreta jarriz. Mekanismo hauen oinarri molekularra ulertzeak lagundu dezake zeluletan gertatzen diren beste hainbat prozesuren ulerkeran, gaixotasunaren aurkako sendagai berrien garapenean edota biologia molekularreko tresna berrien garapenean.; Respiratory infections cause high mortality rates throughout the world, being the COVID-19 virus the clearest example in recent years. However, there are other several pathogens not fully controlled and in this review we will focus on whooping cough, the sickness caused by the pathogenic bacterium Bordetella pertussis.Whooping cough is a severe and contagious respiratory infection that is transmitted by coming into contact with local secretions or with saliva drops. Despite the symptoms are not of special risks for adults (continuous episodes of cough, difficulty breathing or fever), it can cause death especially in children younger than one year of age. Patients who have not overcome cough at an early stage may develop complications such as secondary pneumonia, which is the main cause of most who die with whooping cough. Although since the development of the first vaccine it has been considered to be under control, whooping cough has caused significant damage especially in developing countries. Surprisingly, it has also an impact on developed countries and since 2011 the epidemic has spread in North America and Western Europe. This review presents an update on whooping cough, focusing on the different infective mechanisms used by B.pertussis. Understanding of the molecular basis of these mechanisms may contribute to the understanding of other cellular processes, the development of new anti-disease drugs or the development of new molecular biology instruments.