Garaituen bizipenen berreraiketa Armendarizen Silencio roto filmean
Zer 26(50) : 105-124 (2021)
In recent decades, cinema has become a document of the past as a source to complete the information contained in the written text and official documents. But since the twentieth century there have been long discussions on this subject, since the cinema and historiography were looked distrustfully. At present, however, most of the authors agree that cinema is a document of the past. In this sense, a film set in the past cannot be asked to be absolutely accurate and truthful, but is always sincere. with Silencio roto, Armendáriz recalls the antifascist struggle of the machine. This paper aims to analyze the representation of the machine by identifying and analyzing the three main elements of the narrative construction of the reference film: characters, action and conflict. Knowing that other authors have studied this film, this paper aims to address the subject from a new perspective, as a complement to previous research. Thus, the director has retaken the question of the guerrilla of the 40’s, taking into account the brutal experiences of the defeated; Azken hamarkadetan, zinema iraganeko dokumentu bihurtu da testu idatzian eta dokumentu ofizialetan jasotako informazioa osatzeko iturri gisa. Baina xx. mendean eztabaida luzeak izan dira gai honen inguruan, zineak eta historiografiak mesfidantzaz begiratzen bait zioten elkarri. Gaur egun, ordea, autore gehienak ados daude zinema iraganeko dokumentua dela esatean. Zentzu horretan, iraganean girotutako film bati ezin zaio exijitu erabat zehatza eta egiazkoa izatea, baizik eta beti zintzoa izatea. Silencio rotoren bidez, Armendarizek makiaren borroka antifaxista gogoratzen du. Lan honetan aipatutako filmaren eraikuntza narratiboaren hiru elementu nagusiak (pertsonaia, akzioa eta gatazka) identifikatuz eta aztertuz makiaren irudikapena aztertu nahi da. Beste autore batzuek Silencio roto filma aztertu dutela jakinda, lan honek ikuspegi berri batetik heldu nahi dio gaiari, aurreko ikerketen osagarri gisa: zuzendariak 40ko hamarkadako gerrillaren testuinguruan islatu dituen emakume garaituen bizipen basatiak