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dc.contributor.authorElías Ortega, Angel
dc.identifier.citationEkaia N. Extra : 15-30 (2021)
dc.description.abstract2030eko Garapen Iraunkorrerako 1. Helburua, pobreziari aurre egiteari dagokiona, zer den gogorarazi ondoren, helburu horren egungo bilakaera eta zer neurritan betetzen den aztertu da, bai mundu mailan, bai Espainian eta Euskadin, eta bereziki aipatu dira langile pobreen kolektiboa eta gizarte-babeserako sistemak. Jarraian, ikusi da oinarrizko errenta unibertsala, baldintzarik gabea eta banakakoa eskatzea, pobreziaren atalasetik gorako zenbatekoa izango duena. Nazioarteko hainbat forotan aztertu eta planteatu den neurri bat da, bai Nazio Batuetan, bai Europako Kontseiluko Parlamentu Batzarrean, bai finantza- eta lan-munduko esparruetan. Espainian ere eskatu izan da, gizarte-lanaren, kulturaren eta osasunaren esparru profesionaletan, bai eta feminismoan, ekologismoan eta LGBTI kolektiboetan ere. Azkenik, ondorio eta gogoeta labur batzuk atera dira, non berresten baita iritsi dela unea oinarrizko errentak neurri utopikoaren kategoria alde batera utzi eta behingoz abian jartzeko, horrela pobrezia materiala desagerrarazi eta Garapen Iraunkorraren 1. Helburua bete dadin.; After recalling what the first of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of combating poverty consists of, the evolution and current situation in the degree of its fulfilment is analysed, both at a global level and in Spain and the Basque Country, also making special reference to the group of poor workers and the social protection systems. Next, it is verified that the demand of an universal, unconditional and individual basic income, which has an amount superior to the threshold of poverty, is a measure that has been studied and also raised from different international forums, as much from the United Nations, as from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, or from scopes of the financial and labor world. In Spain it has also been demanded from spheres as different as the professional field of social work, culture and health, as well as from social movements such as feminism, ecology and LGBTI groups. Finally, some brief conclusions and reflections are drawn, where it is reaffirmed that the time has come for the Basic Income to abandon the category of utopian measure and become a reality, thus allowing for the eradication of material poverty and the fulfilment of the first of the Sustainable Development Goals
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleGIH-Pobreziari aurre egiteko, oinarrizko errenta behar da
dc.rights.holder© 2021 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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