Zenbait ezaugarri araberaren definiziorako
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 56(1) : 121-148 (2022)
In this work, we discuss the Basque dialect that was spoken -and is spoken- in Araba. In recent years, much progress has been made in this field, which has helped to clarify the development of the western dialects of Euskal Herria and especially that of Araba. Even so, the dialect of Araba remains undefined. The objective of this work is to advance in the linguis-tic and geographical definition of the Alavese dialect. We begin with what has been said about the Basque language in Araba (§ 1), with a brief review of the main ideas on this topic and the presentation of the focal points of the study and the corpus. Next, we analyze the linguistic char-acteristics, classifying them into 4 main groups: the characteristics of the Old Western Basque (§ 2.1), the characteristics that link the Basque language of Araba with the Biscayan dialect (§ 2.2), the distinguishing characteristics (§ 2.3), and the exclusive characteristics of the dialect itself (§ 2.4). Finally, we present the conclusions drawn from the analysis, defined accordingly by choosing several characteristics and locating them geographically; Araban hitz egiten zen -eta egiten den- euskara dialektalaz arituko gara lan ho-netan. Azken urteotan honen inguruan aurrerapen handiak egiten ari dira, eta baita araberak Eus-kal Herriko mendebaldeko dialektoen bilakabidea ulertzeko duen garrantzia argitzen ere. Hala ere, araberak definitu gabe jarraitzen du. Hori izango da lan honetako helburu nagusia: araberaren defi-nizio linguistiko eta geografikoan aurreratzea. Bada, Arabako euskarari buruz orain arte esandakoaz hasi gara (§ 1), honen gaineko ideia nagusien berrikuste labur bat eginez eta lanaren lan-lerroak eta corpusa aurkeztuz. Ondoren, ezaugarri linguistikoen analisia egin dugu, hauek 4 multzo nagusitan sailkatuz: MEZren ezaugarriak (§ 2.1), Arabako euskara Bizkaikoarekin lotzen duten ezaugarriak (§ 2.2), bereizten dutenak (§ 2.3) eta araberaren ezaugarri esklusiboak diratekeenak (§ 2.4). Azke-nik, analisitik ateratako ondorioak aurkeztu ditugu, arabera definitzeko zenbait ezaugarri aukeratuz eta geografikoki kokatuz