Euskadiko Kooperatiben Lege glosasi iruzkina
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Epelde Juaristi, Miren
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GizaEkoA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social (19) : 235-238 (2022)
Euskadiko Kooperatiben Goren-Kontseiluak, Euskadiko Kooperatiben legea, 11/2019, abenduaren 20koa eta 5/2021 Legea, urriaren 7koa, Euskadiko Kooperatiben abenduaren 20ko, 11/2019 Legea aldatzekoa oinarritzat hartuz glosa bat burutu du. Lan hau hau glosa horren iruzkiña litzateke.; Basque Cooperative Superior Council has done a comment about Basque Cooperative law, 11/2019, approved on 20th of December. The comment takes also into account 5/2021 law, approved on 7th of October, which changes Basque Cooperative law, 11/2019, approved on 20th of December. This work is a review about the comment.