149-tik 49-68 emaitza erakusten

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      Going Multinational under Exchange Rate Uncertainty 

      Aray, Henry; Gardeazabal, Javier ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-02)
      A domestic exporting firm faces exchange rate uncertainty and has the option to install capacity abroad, thus becoming multinational. We analyze when the firm should exercise such an option optimally in the context of a ...
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      Group size and decision rules in legislative bargaining 

      Miller Moya, Luis Miguel ORCID; Vanberg, Christoph (2014-03-17)
      We conduct experiments to investigate the effects of different majority requirements on bargaining outcomes in small and large groups. In particular, we use a Baron-Ferejohn protocol and investigate the effects of decision ...
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      Growth in an oil abundant economy: The case of Venezuela 

      Agnani, Betty; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-09)
      Venezuela's growth experience over the past fifty years is characterized by a high economic growth rate from 1950 to 1970 and a low economic growth rate in the last thirty years. Although Venezuela is an oil abundant ...
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      Growth in Overlapping Generation Economies with Non-Renewable Resources 

      Agnani, Betty; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)
      Feasibility of positive steady-state growth in overlapping generation (OLG) economies that use non-renewable resources as essential inputs in the production process is analyzed. The model we use is, in essence, that of ...
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      How Does the New Keynesian Monetary Model Fit in the U.S. and the Eurozone? an Indirect Inference Approach 

      María-Dolores, Ramón; Vázquez Pérez, Jesús ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-05)
      This paper estimates a standard version of the New Keynesian monetary (NKM) model under alternative specifications of the monetary policy rule using U.S. and Eurozone data. The estimation procedure implemented is a classical ...
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      How much efficiency gains and price reductions for an efficiency defense? 'Quanto Basta' 

      Fabrizi, Simona; Lippert, Steffen (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2004)
      Potential efficiency gains due to a merger can be used by competition authorities to judge upon proposed mergers. In a world where agents’ efforts, observable or unobservable, affect the success of a production cost reducing ...
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      Immigrants Responsiveness to Labor Market Conditions 

      Amuedo Dorantes, Catalina; De la Rica Goiricelaya, Sara ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-05)
      Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey (Encuesta de Población Activa) from 1999 through 2004, we explore the role of regional employment opportunities in explaining the increasing immigrant flows of recent years ...
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      Income Taxation and Growth in an OLG Economy: Does Aggregate Uncertainty Play any Role? 

      Echevarría Olave, Cruz Ángel ORCID; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (2013-12-18)
      We analyze the effects of capital income taxation on long-run growth in a stochastic, two-period overlapping generations economy. Endogenous growth is driven by a positive externality of physical capital in the production ...
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      Individual notions of distributive justice and relative economic status 

      Barr, Abigail; Burns, Justine; Miller Moya, Luis Miguel ORCID; Shaw, Ingrid (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2011-09)
      We present two experiments designed to investigate whether individuals’ notions of distributive justice are associated with their relative (within-society) economic status. Each participant played a specially designed ...
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      Inequality for Wage Earners and Self-Employed: Evidence from Panel Data 

      Albarrán, Pedro; Carrasco, Raquel; Martínez Granado, María Teresa ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2007-03)
      In this paper we study the evolution of income inequality for employees and self-employed workers. We highlight the importance of separately analyze these different sources of income to gain a broader understanding of ...
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      INTERPOL's surveillance network in curbing transnational terrorism 

      Gardeazabal, Javier ORCID; Sandler, Todd (2014-10-23)
      This paper investigates the role that INTERPOL surveillance – the Mobile INTERPOL Network Database (MIND) and the Fixed INTERPOL Network Database (FIND) – played in the War on Terror since its inception in 2005. MIND/FIND ...
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      Is there a Phillips Curve in the US and the EU15 Countries? An empirical investigation 

      Vázquez Pérez, Jesús ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002-08)
      This paper studies the comovement between output and inflation in the EU15 countries. Following den Haan (2000), I use the correlations of VAR forecast errors at different horizons in order to analyze the output-inflation ...
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      Labor Market Assimilation of Recent Immigrants in Spain 

      Amuedo Dorantes, Catalina; De la Rica Goiricelaya, Sara ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2006-01)
      This paper provides a preliminary analysis of the employment and occupational assimilation of recent immigrant waves to the Spanish labor market as their residencies lengthen. Using Spanish data from the 2001 Population ...
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      Lessons from the northern hake long-term management plan: Could the economic assessment have accepted it? 

      Da Rocha, José María; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2011-01)
      An economic expert working group (STECF/SGBRE-07-05) was convened in 2007 for evaluating the potential economic consequences of a Long-Term Management Plan for the northern hake. Analyzing all the scenarios proposed by ...
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      Life Expectancy, Human Capital, Social Security and Growth 

      Echevarría Olave, Cruz Ángel ORCID; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005)
      We analyze the effects of changes in the mortality rate upon life expectancy, education, retirement age, human capital and growth in the presence of social security. We build a vintage growth, overlapping generations model ...
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      Life Expectancy, Schooling Time and Endogenous Growth 

      Echevarría Olave, Cruz Ángel ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)
      I analyze how changes in life expectancy affect retirement age, education time, and growth rates of economies. I set up a continuous time, overlapping generations model of endogenous growth with externalities in human ...
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      Linguistic Polarization and Conflict in the Basque Country 

      Gardeazabal, Javier ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2011-12)
      This paper investigates the relationship between linguistic polarization and conflict in the Basque Country. During the 40 years of Franco’s dictatorship the use of the Basque language was banned. Therefore, there may be ...
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      Market Power in the Spanish Electricity Auction 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005)
      We use hourly bid data from the Spanish day-ahead electricity auction to obtain a lower bound measure of generators' market power. Our method is not based on cost estimates but rather on the different behavior of strategic ...
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      Markov Switching Risk Premium and the term structure of interest rates. Empirical evidence from US post-war interest rates 

      Gutiérrez Huerta, María José; Vázquez Pérez, Jesús ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002-04)
      This paper considers the basic present value model of interest rates under rational expectations with two additional features. First, following McCallum (1994), the model assumes a policy reaction function where changes ...
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      Mergers in Durable Goods Industries 

      Sagasta Elorza, Amagoia ORCID; Saracho de la Torre, Ana Isabel (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2004)
      This paper is concerned with the study of durability as an aspect of competition and market structure that contributes to determining the incentives for mergers. We find that relative to the incentives in industries that ...