Now showing items 1-20 of 142
A factor model of seasonality in stock returns
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)Most empirical evidence on stock market seasonality is based on the Dummy Variable Approach (DVA). Typically, the DVA leaves too much variability of stock returns unexplained and inference usually leads to weak or null ... -
A Measure of Gender Wage Discrimination at Quantiles
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)The literature provides several scalar measures of gender wage discrimination that cannot identify whether discrimination is greater among high earners or among low earners. Furthermore, two populations may exhibit the ... -
A Non-Parametric Dimension Test of the Term Structure
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)In an economy with multiple sources of risk, the short-term interest rate does not capture all the information that determines the conditional distribution of bond yields. This is also true for path-dependent term structure ... -
A note on bargaining power and managerial delegation in multimarket oligopolies
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012-11)In a two-stage delegation game model with Nash bargaining between a manager and an owner, an equivalence result is found between this game and Fershtman and Judd's strategic delegation game (Fershtman and Judd, 1987). ... -
A note on collusion sustainability with optimal punishments and detection lags
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2008-09)In this note we characterize optimal punishments with detection lags when the market consists of n oligopolistic firms. We extend a previous note by Colombo and Labrecciosa (2006) [Colombo, L., and Labrecciosa, P., 2006. ... -
A Note on Risk Acceptance, Bankruptcy Avoidance and Riskiness Measures
(2013-09-30)In this work we clarify the relationships between riskiness, risk acceptance and bankruptcy avoidance. We distinguish between the restriction on the current wealth required to make a gamble acceptable to the decision maker ... -
A Supply Function Competition Model for the Spanish Wholesale Electricity Market
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-10)We model the Spanish wholesale market as a multiplant linear supply function competition model. According to the theory, the larger generators should have supply curves for each plant which are to the left of the supply ... -
Ad valorem housing subsidies may reduce house building
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2008-03)In this paper it is shown that an ad valorem housing subsidy set by a central regulator (or a raise in the ad valorem housing subsidy rate) may reduce the number of houses built in the market and increase the price paid ... -
Altruism in the (Social) Network
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2006-11)This paper explores the role of social integration on altruistic behavior. To this aim, we develop a two-stage experimental protocol based on the classic Dictator Game. In the first stage, we ask a group of 77 undergraduate ... -
Altruism with Social Roots: An Emerging Literature
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2006-11)This paper analyzes the emerging literature on the determinants of giving within a social network. We propose two main explanatory variables for previous experimental results on the friendship effect. The first is social ... -
An Alternative View of the US Price-Dividend Ratio Dynamics
(2014-12)As a necessary condition for the validity of the present value model, the price-dividend ratio must be stationary. However, significant market episodes seem to provide evidence of prices significantly drifting apart from ... -
An austerity-driven energy reform
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2013-12)In July 2013, the government approved a major overhaul of the Spanish electricity sector to correct existing imbalances that have led to an exponential increase of regulated electricity costs and a huge tariff deficit. The ... -
An empirical comparison of the performance of alternative option pricing models
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)This paper presents a comparison of alternative option pricing models based neither on jump-diffusion nor stochastic volatility data generating processes. We assume either a smooth volatility function of some previously ... -
An Estimated New-Keynesian Model with Unemployment as Excess Supply of Labor
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)Wage stickiness is incorporated to a New-Keynesian model with variable capital to drive endogenous unemployment uctuations de ned as the log di¤erence between aggregate labor supply and aggregate labor demand. We estimated ... -
Are Bar Associations Anticompetitive? An Empirical Analysis of Recommended Prices for Legal Services in Spain
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)The European Commission Report on Competition in Professional Services found that recommended prices by professional bodies have a significant negative effect on competition since they may facilitate the coordination of ... -
Asset pricing and systematic liquidity risk: an empirical investigation of the Spanish stock market
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)Systematic liquidity shocks should affect the optimal behavior of agents in financial markets. Indeed, fluctuations in various measures of liquidity are significantly correlated across common stocks. Accordingly, this ... -
Autorregresive conditional volatility, skewness and kurtosis
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)This paper proposes a GARCH-type model allowing for time-varying volatility, skewness and kurtosis. The model is estimated assuming a Gram-Charlier series expansion of the normal density function for the error term, which ... -
Business cycles in a small open economy: The case of Hong Kong
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2011-12)This paper analyzes the business cycle properties of the Hong Kong economy during the 1982-2004 period, which includes the financial crisis experienced in 1997-98. We show that output, output growth rate and real interest ... -
Can the change in the composition of the US GDP explain the Great Moderation? A test via oil price shocks
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)The paper investigates whether the growing GDP share of the services sector can contribute to explain the great moderation in the US. We identify and analyze three oil price shocks and use a SVAR analysis to measure their ... -
Career Planning in Spain: Do temporary contracts delay marriage and motherhood?
(University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2003-04)The aim of this paper is to find an empirical connection between the impressive increase in the use of temporary contracts in Spain and the observed increase in age at marriage and maternity. Using a pool of the six available ...