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dc.contributor.authorBarredo, Asier
dc.contributor.authorEpelde Bejerano, Eva
dc.contributor.authorAsueta, Asier
dc.contributor.authorAmundarain, Izotz
dc.contributor.authorLeivar, Jon
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 44 : 371-388 (2023)
dc.description.abstractPolietilen tereftalato birziklatuaren (rPET) eskaera handiak ingurumenaren gaineko sentsibilizazioak eta legediak bultzatuta, kontsumitu osteko PET plastiko-hondakinen sorkuntza handiarekin batera, birziklatze-prozesu eraginkorren premia ekarri du. Birziklapen-teknologia klasikoak, birziklapen mekanikoa adibidez, ez dira eraginkorrak birziklatzen zailak diren edo birziklatzen ez diren plastikoen kasuan; hau da, geruza anitzekoak diren eta oso kutsatuta dauden hondakinen kasuan. Teknologia hauek ziklo-kopuru mugatua dute, eta despolimerizazio kimikoa, berriz, gai da jatorrizko PETetik hasierako ekoizpeneko lehengaiak ekoizteko. Testuinguru honetan, polietilen tereftalatoaren (PET) hidrolisia PET-hondakinen despolimerizaziorako estrategia jasangarria da, rPET-a birpolimerizatzeko abiapuntu gisa erabil daitekeena eta, beste despolimerizazio teknologiak ez bezala, oso kutsatuta dauden kontsumo osteko PET-hondakinen elikadurak onartzen dituena. Lan honek PET-solbolisiaren egungo egoera aztertzen du, eta bereziki PET-hidrolisiarena, bai laborategi mailan bai industria eskalan, eta haren garapenaren alderdirik garrantzitsuenak zehazten ditu.; The high demand for recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) driven by environmental awareness and legislation, together with the large increase in post-consumer PET plastic waste generation, has resulted in an urgent need for efficient recycling processes. Classical recycling technologies, such as mechanical recycling, are ineffective for those materials which show difficulties to be recycled or non-recycled plastics such as multilayer and highly contaminated waste. These technologies are only applied for a limited number of cycles, whereas chemical depolymerization produces raw materials from original PET to those of its initial production. In this context, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) hydrolysis is a sustainable strategy for depolymerization of PET waste that can be used as a starting element for repolymerization to rPET and that, unlike the other depolymerization technologies, tolerates highly contaminated post-consumer PET waste feeds. This work analyzes the current situation of PET solvolysis, and especially PET hydrolysis, both at laboratory and industrial scale, in which the most relevant aspects of its development are detailed.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titlePolietilen Tereftalatoaren (PET) birziklapen kimikoa hidrolisiaren bidez
dc.rights.holder© 2023 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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