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dc.contributor.authorPlazaola Muguruza, Fernando ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 44 : 153-200 (2023)
dc.description.abstractThis article is a continuation of the article "Geologia 1-Fisika 0", where I showed that the mastery of physics in the 20th century, and especially in the first half of the century, did not reach all areas, and in the knowledge of the age of the Earth Geology scored a great goal against physics. In this second article I will explain that in the fourth quarter of the 20th century, when the success of physics was not so great, physics tied the game, especially at the hands of. the winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physics, Luis Walter Alvarez. It was largely he who proposed the theory of the impact of a meteorite on Earth about 65 million years ago. The last mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago and is used to establish the boundary between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary. This article deals with the excitement, unrest, and rich interdisciplinary scientific debate that aroused in the scientific community after the publication in 1980 in the journal Science of the aforementioned hypothesis as the cause of the last mass extinction. The article will also allow us to highlight what I call the "migrant effect" that often occurs in the world of scientific research, show the different ways of dealing with problems, the importance of people with wide curiosity, the different jealousies that can occur in different scientific communities, the “subjectivities” that may occur in the peer review process, as well as the uneasiness and reactions of experts in the field of research to a revolutionary hypothesis, if it is made by scientists outside the field.; Artikulu hau "Geologia 1-Fisika 0" artikuluaren jarraipena da, non xx. mendeko, eta bereziki mendearen lehen erdiko fisikaren nagusitasuna, ez zela arlo guztietara heldu erakutsi zen. Izan ere, Lurraren adinaren ezagutzan Geologiak gol galanta sartu zion Fisikari. Bigarren artikulu honetan, berriz, azalduko dut, xx. mendearen laugarren laurdenean, Fisikaren arrakasta hain handia ez zenean Fisikak partidua berdintzea lortu zuela, 1968ko Fisikako Nobel Saria jaso zuen Luis Walter Alvarezen eskutik bereziki. Hein handi batean bera izan baitzen Lurrak meteorito baten inpaktua duela 65 milioi urte jaso zuela proposatu zuena. Azken iraungipen/suntsipen masiboak adin hori du eta adin hori erabiltzen da Kretazeoaren eta Paleogenoaren arteko muga ezartzeko. Hipotesi hori azken suntsipen masiboaren kausa bezala 1980. urtean Science aldizkarian argitaratu ostean komunitate zientifikoan sortu zuen zirraraz, egonezinaz eta diziplina arteko eztabaida zientifiko aberatsaz arituko da artikulua. Artikuluak bide emango digu, baita ere, ikerketa zientifikoaren munduan maiz gertatzen den "migrantearen efektua" deitu dudana azaleratzeko, arazoei aurre egiteko bide desberdinak erakusteko, kuriositate zabaleko pertsonen garrantzia, komunitate zientifiko desberdinetan, eta baita bakoitzean ere, gerta daitezkeen jeloskeriak, parekideen berrikuspena prozesuan gerta daitezkeen "subjektibotasunak" eta, halaber, ikerketa arloaren adituen ezinegona eta erreakzioak hipotesi iraultzaile baten aurrean, hipotesia eremutik kanpoko zientzialariek egina bada.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleGeologia 1-Fisika 1: duela 65 milioi urte Lurraren aurkako meteorito baten inpaktuaren afera
dc.rights.holder© 2023 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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