dc.description.abstract | Lan honetan euskarazko /h̃/ segmentuaren inguruan orain arte aurrera eraman di-ren hainbat ikerketaren emaitzak biltzen dira, segmentu honen ezaugarri nagusiak aurkeztuz. Al-derdi tipologiko orokorretatik hasita, segmentu honen arrarotasuna gogorarazten da, eta baita bi hasperenen arteko sudurkaritasunean oinarritutako oposaketarena. Euskararen barnean izan duen garapena lantzean, Mitxelenak sutsu aldeztu zuen bokal arteko *n ' /h̃/ bilakabide zuzena azalpen bezala gailendu dela aipatzen da, eta v. eta v i i i. mendeen arteko tartean kokatu daitekeela iradoki. Azkenik, alderdi fonetiko eta fonologiko sinkronikoak ekartzen dira: hots honen egitura fonetikoaren deskribapen zehatza eta bere ezaugarri fonologikoen, bere banaketaren, eragindako prozesuen, eta /h/ ahokariarekiko duen oposaketaren berri ematen da, Hualdek ekarritako /h̃/ sudurkarituaren proposa-mena aldeztuz, /ṼhṼ/ analisiaren aurka; This work brings together the results from several studies carried out on the Basque segment /h̃/, and presents its main characteristics. Starting from its general typological distribution, the rarity of this segment is recalled, as well as that of an opposition between as-pirates based on nasality. Regarding its development within Basque, it is mentioned that the straightforward intervocalic *n ' /h̃/ process, which Mitxelena passionately advocated for, has prevailed as the generally accepted account, and it is tentatively placed between the 5th and 8th centuries. Finally, synchronic phonetic and phonological aspects of this segment are pre-sented: a detailed description of the phonetic structure of this sound and its phonological features, its distribution, the processes it is involved in, and its opposition with oral /h/ are de-scribed, favoring the proposal of a phonologically nasalized /h̃/ brought by Hualde over the rival /ṼhṼ/ analysis | |